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Show 5 to the generosity of a friend who didn't like the idea of my creaky arthritic bone.s sleeping on the ground and maybe in the snow in winter. A trip to Navajo Mountain 'in it showed just how far one can go without upsetting - provided you f ind a nice rock ledge to r est the f ront axle on. No harm done t hat a few hours of work in the hot sun and a few strong arms, wise heads and a car from the Trading Post couldn't r emedy. 'fl ATHER Hultgren, of Alhambra, CaliL!] fornia, again brought his group for a work-camp; several are repeaters from last year's project. They took on the job of putting a double roof over the log rafters on the future Pontious' house. By sort of rushing things, we were really ready for them, and they have done a creditable job. Already they talk of coming back next Summer. It is an idea that other parishes might want to emulate. Combining a real outing, scenery viewing and fun with a fine contribution to the work of a mission and above all getting a new perspective on the whole missionary situation-this is really a worthwhile project. fjlN our last issue we mentioned Brother l!J Juniper's proposed visit to Eastern parishes. As we type this, not enough invitations ha ve come to make the trip worth while; however there has hardly been time for answers from more than a few places. Perhaps this will serve to remind any who had intended to arrange for a talk and slide show. Dates should be made with Mrs. Donald Platt, 35 Midland Road, Great Kills, Staten Is., N.Y. f"TlHE good news of the year is the arrival L!J of Father Arnold Moulton .to take up the joyous burden of bringing the Gospel to the Navajo people of our area. Catherine Pickett knew him in Haiti, where he was teaching theology to native pr ie.sts-to-be in . the Seminary at Mont Rouis. When he came to this country after a year as acting vicar of Turnford Parish in Yorkshire, England, we sent out some feele,s which have finally brought forth this fruit. His comment after a day or two was: "I never felt so much at home in so short a time." |