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Show 11 Mr. Perroll: "He has not paid for this stallion yet but agreed t0 pay this fall." I.Ir. Eo.Myi "Well, I br.ij.eve he has enough stallions now Tor his uo- because wo cannot spare any moro now and if we con spare that stallion to sell him this fall and if ho his tic money for it I will try to .keep Mr. Davis' promise to sell it to him this fall, if lie has the money. if you have the money to pay for him this fall you can have him. Wash, rather than going into your personal affairs which you can talk about any time I would rather havo you tell me what you think about my plans. What I want to know is will you agree to do. what I wish or do you want to suggest aorv. other way. What do you think about my plans?" •, Wash: "Ever since eight years ago wc used to round t* v them up, that is why we claim all the mavericks from them horses that have not been branded." Mr. Early! "flow can I toll who those mavericks belong to. Wo know that thoy belong to you men who own, horses but how do I know whether thoy belong to him or him or him (pointing.) Thoso mavericks belong bo the Indians but whenever an Indian wants one he oan iiave him. Supposing there arc ton mavericks od ono Indian wants five? What I want to do -is to :i i-nd a fair way of dividing these mavoriokn so thai; each of you will, as near as wc can find, out, get |