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Show we have"' cut' them or castrated them. If tho Indiana wish to .1;alec any of these geldings, or cut stallions, to use thorn why wc will let them dp, so. -7' Wo will have to build several more pastures and corrals and traps in different parts of tho country to catch these wild horses find that ')• ' • .will cost a good doal of money. Wc. tried to sell some ponies up there two .weeks a^co and you could a]], soo that tho -people wanted to buy them for .nothing. ' For this reason !Ir. Davis .and. I stopped the sale. The white men had no money and did not want to pay a. bio; enough price for them.' Tho only way to. sell these ;penics .and get a good prico for them is to got a largo number gathered together at ono time so that. we can have many buyors come in hero and bid on \ them and offer better prices. When' tho re is, only one or two buyors coming in they stand in ' 77 together and'only ' of for ' ono price. .When fbUr or five or six buy or so. .come in hero I believe thoy will pay more money. Wc want to got' good enough horses so that the'big.buyer's who • have plenty of money. San come in hero .and. , 3o buy a large number ,of' thorn ;snd pay, a good .price for them. The more buyors we have the moro ,g ;•.,. different kinds of prices and. better prices I,y |