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Show 6-1143 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES INDIAN SERVICE Uintah and Ouray Agency, Fort DuChesno, Utah, Hay 25, 1912. On-May 25. 1912, various Indians wove called together for the purposo of discussing the best way of handling wild ponies belonging to the Indians on tho range, running in the VThitorocks district. There wcro soventoen Indians prosont who owned horsos that run on the run.™. A transcript of what took place is as follov/3: Vcrncy .'.lack, Interpreter. Lir. Early: "I called you together today for the purpose of getting your opinions about tho best way to handle these wild ponies belonging to you that aro running on tho range. How the government has gone to considerable expense in hiring men and. in issuing forago to tho horses for tho purposo of gathorinT up the wild ponies and. also considerable expense in building tho fences and pastures, or corrals, and traps for thoso wild horses. Tho govomr.iont hao til no bought six good otalliono for tho purpose of broodin*-- tlie so wild Indian marcs in order to raioo colts and provide you all with good work-horses. As it is now you people have / |