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Show C_.->VJe the undersigned Chiefs and Head-men of the Uintah and White- C/5 River Utes, in Council assembled on the £d day of Hay 1807, in •Reconsidering the claims o£ Edward Murdock and Frank Murdoch as pre- ""|fs'ent"»d to us by our Agent, Col. Jaracs F. Pandlett, for enrollment '-^a.th'^Tis as half fbeed Indians of this Agency, declare that r:c have "&iio kifoWledge of the mother of the said Edward and Frank Murdoch, "whom they claim was a Ute Indian, nof. deceased, and that she is ^^ unknown to any of our people as ever having belonged to our tribe, and. further that we unanimous! v vote that the said Edvrard and ---^ra.nk- Ii.u.rdock have no .right to be enrolled with us and we do not {S^SS*1 1 * th©|\so enrolled.^ yyAzAZZS^ '£» YcXrlyYXXy 77j Cz'l YTZ^ZZYXC y*yxcy (ZyyiyiycZyc, 4ff astseyHT-tZ<y*) ££ *z< jyyAcY j^pyytSziy^cyAX-cyy (kjYZT&yziyAfy, \tAYytXcX_ 7 7. r-i IS . (.: y/y ^(^^y/z\ & yfCc^z \ . -- jj , ZA TyA •-yyyyyy^y ^y^yY' ±7y ~yi-/ YS\ yky-Ay-yy yyezyYV ATZ yAyyz^r-yfA Mz y/yy,\ZYyyyy-Aj yz yy/^ATzy^y, y/^AA-YACCA Z-ys-scy^yA) Ay yLc* * yss^xyyAYf yy^f y^^^yyzyyyj yyA-^^^^Ay yA ^yy^t . .-• I Henry E. Harris, Acting Interpreter, certify on honor tha- I fully explained the above to the Chiefs and Head-men of the Uintah and'White River Ute tribe of Indians, that they fully understand its purport and that I witnessed tne signing oil the sari yy^yx-^fs .Acting Interpreter. |