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Show 4\- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ,-•• S»fc. , tJNIMID ATX'' a utoi&N SfeBVIOB, a.--, $•> Salt Lake City, Utah, March SO, 1001. t.i Xfhe Honorable, 7 1 Tho Secretary of the interior, 7 Washington, D. c. xSir:- I have the honor to report the result of my councoling with the t 1:Indians of the Uintah and Ouray agencies with reference to placing their • -•children in schools, as Instructed by Departuaent letter of the Oth ult. • I arrived at the Uintah Agency on the ,'J8th ult. and notified the rUlnta.. and White River utes to .fleet are at the Uintah Agency on Saturday athe 2nd inst., and the uncompahgre's to meet me at the Ouray Agency on /Monday the 4th. I At the Uintah Agency council, which lasted several hours, twelve of I tithe principal indiana of the Uintah end White River bands made speeches a gjlO Uintahs and 2 White Rivers. ), all of whom expressed themselves as :' |favorlng the education of their children and their instructions in the pays cf. the "white man*-, and said that it was only from the recent "had I .feickness1* (.measles) which vac epedemic on the reservation and from which inany had died, that the children had beer, taken from school by the - •parents and kept at home until those who lived through the sickness had jpecoverel sufficiently to justify their being returned to school, and . hat *11 would be returned aa scon as their health was fully restored. Ex-Indian policemen Black Hawk of the Uintahs made a full and clear X Statement of his conduct on December 18th last when he forcibly took his 7r_ ft.c»ffl school against the orders of the agent and efforts of employees it |