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Show SjW<a "Bivei. Indians Pleased With? Inspector's Visit. , rrEIBUNB SPECIAL.. White Hocks, March 1ft.-United States iBStwctcr -Maj. Md.aush.i_i left here 'o- «!ay aiter a very - successful Sojourn on flM? rtaervations. While here hs has tnado friends ot the Induuie. who wen un I'ftriendly and better friends of those al- | tf&$y friendly, so any .trouble that rtfoilateried is probably dV-pe-lled by hip i diplomacy,.3 The White liivei-B for the : first time ha.;,0 premised to brins: their I tjhll^reij to school and as n?,ual wht-ft they Ipromise aro making their promises, grood _FJF bringing tho children in. They ir.ak- _e* promises and generally keep then.. Maj. McLaughlin sees the necessity of having the boundaries of the reservations * /do distinct _,nd well marked as a pro- I miction to those Indians and whites, and . It. is likely this -m-Hl be done thin season , at Isia sureection. By this move much trespassing will be avoided. . Mad- McLaughlin is the- first field inspector to visit the White River In.ians till their homes and they have felt gllghfefi i fct>4 atlVJen. and woukl not come into o»un-j oil for thia reaoon. By his actions the | gnredud-ces of years' standing is removed t atsa he haa brought order out pt, chaos raiw reinoved» ball the burden fr«a_ the f shoulders at Agent Mytc.i. , A DIED OS' SSIAIXPOX. |