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Show saving of more than $30,000 in discounts was made during the fiqcal year, the larger part of which resulted from payments made a t the warehouses. Nearly twice that amount will be saved mually :here-after through closer competition due to deduction by biddersof alloii able discounts before quoting, rather than by makimg the discount\., contingent upon prompt payment. /,. : INDIANT ABLE1. -Indian population of the United States, ezclusiue of Alaska,; as df June 90,1S$l8 Deer& of blood Teal State, jurlsdlotlon, subdivlslon, and tribes , ,, sull blood Mired bload,., . . . . . Total population I ............................ Alnbama (not under agent) L ............... ................................ Colorsdo Rhsr .................. 1 ........ 1, 128 a 1 .................. Hopi.. ................................. Navajo * ................................ . .......................... Phoenk Soboal P l m.~.. .................................. Gila Bend R m a t i o n (Papago) ....... Gila River Reservation (Marimpa, ................................ ...... .............................. Western Navajo .......................... Hopi ................................... NsvajoI ................................ Paiute .................................. Arkansss (notunder agent) * ............... 3 Data unavailable. tloI nM eaolnems prnluins gfsfeemr iasl wla odlod nngo.t equal total papulation lor the reason that for 111,a19 of the total,in forma I FourteenthCensus of the UnitedStstes~&snolthe C e w , I* , a o~emme nPt r int% OBloe, lw, V0l. 111. Annua Rewrt of the Commissioner oIIndisn Aflairs, Bscd year 1927, Oovwnmsnt Printing Om-, 1927. Table I. |