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Show 30 REPORT OF TEE SEORBT~RP 08 THE ~TEBIOII pttomeys, hold consultations with.,the Indiw seeking aid, prepare .leases and- otherlegal instrumen@.for ,the Indians, investigate the .v&dity of legal bfistrumenb submitted to them by the Indians, and .often ai$,in placing minorIndiws in: schools. The following statistical table sbws aertain savings. to the Indians of the Kve Civhd Tribes 8*%0mplished by these attorneys for the fiscal y&,.but does not represent the entire amount aotually saved for the w o n that many savings areeffected in cases wheretheamount recovered can not be determined in. dollars and cents: Number.re$r css: if whfch attorneys appeared: -..----.1-. --2,1-67- -- &nomt in ved in wv~Laetlonsl,a nd mdpartitionsuits not included. $26,252 Number crqiaal-actions instituted---; -.----1l -lll.ll.ll-ll .ll --- 7 Number "n,e'w ,bonda filed. i: . . 115 Amount covered bynew bonds ...---.l--------_-.--.-: -..---_.-. $219,750 Number yardi&ns:movedo r dischargedrc-L- .--.-: --.. --- -. 154 Conservation of funds:.I nvestments- -..l.r-. --.-2- ------.- $-200-,00-0 -.- : Amounts mved to minors and others-- -;...,--...-..-.:.- .--.,-.$--6.7 , 307 Numbex. .q uit, claim deeds obtained. -...---.-..I -------- 52 'DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF INDIAN FUNDS A tobd of$1,158,904 in .interest:ww paid by.:the hanks holdidg. Indian funds, 5391,842 of which accrued to Osage Indians and $287.i950'to members of the Eve Civilized Tribes: The usual rate obtaind:on time deposits wai3g per cent, but .in some instances ratesw !high as 4 and 5 per cent were paid by depositories. Aggre-gate deposits averaged during the ,year ipproxi&ately $35,000,000, andon June 30, stood at $37j215,608se~uredb y $24,916,800 Govern-ment bonds. and $16,688,858 surety bonds. Deposits were carried by, 508 States and national banks located principally in the north-west, north central, and south central sections of the country. Whenever banking facilities proved inadequate, surplus funds were invested in Government securities of various issues, yielding froni 3% to 4% per cent. The total amount of such investments was $25,365,000 on June 30, &d of this amount $16,000,000 represented Osage funds and $8,000,400 funds of %embers of the Five Civilized Tribes. + , FORE$TRY The'fiscd year 1928 witnessed no marked revival in the lumber I trade. In fact throughout the greater part of the year there was a constant tendency toward lower $ices both for logs .andfor finished timber p&ducts. Although the vof&iie of .trade has been normal, the m@rkat has been kontrobd by the purchaser and only the more 1 favoraljl$ situated or most skillfully maiaged'operations have ahowb a satisfacto~returno n the invested capital. ,Under theseconditipns /I , . / . . : : , , ; : .:.: : . ' , . " ... . , , .. .. |