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Show 316 SUPPLIES ROE THE INDIAN SERVICE. Contmaa awarded under adv&emmt of Feb. 1, 1~11f,o r clothing, dry goods, wore, etc.--Dontinued. HOSE 000D8--CasMnoed. -- 18,SNfmt .... Hose, Nbber gsrden, +inoh, in length8 of 50 lZ€ SQ.0825 chi& or k t o n , ieet oaupka& Hose 'ootton, mhkr-lined, in lengths of 60 feet, N. r led 4mOfeet ..... l-faoh! ...................................... 291 :ua st.~onis. 1:lMJfmt ..... lrf :: ................................... 291 .15 Do. 7MJfeet ....... 1 4oh ................................... 291 .1W5 DO. 2,Wfet ..... 'Z ch ..................................... I84 ,2275 Chi~ago. 4,7W feet ..... Pkinoh, double j&t. ..................... 30 .52 St. L a New York, or chi&. l%5 ........... N a ~ l e sh ose, maw, -hination, tinoh. ....... 201 .21 St. Louis. ~otzlesh: ose, mew: 48 ............. 1-hoh. ............................................................................ 201 .m DO. 10 ............ 184 .4Y Chlc~go. 10. ........... 1 mch ...................................... I84 .30 Do. 3 ............. 2-inch. ...................................... 184 .w DO. 13. ........... 2lineh. ..................................... 184 1.80 Do. ENAMELED WARE, LAMPS. ETC. , . I White eosmelod ware I :;*irk. San Fmois~o. DO. New York DO. Do. 1 chiosga. Do. ' Do. New York. New YO* DO. DO. % DO. Da I Do. 1 Awarded 8% 2 Awarded 885 |