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Show 170 COIvIML98IONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. RECAPITULATION. CBpBdty of sohwb swlhble lor IndlmcblIamx Qonnnmentsohmb N o ~ t l o n b o s r a l n.p.. ......................................................... 7,134 Resemtlon boarding ............................................................... 8 863 Day ................................................................................. 7:895 - W o n s c h w k 23,892 Canbaot b d n g ............................................................... 1,670 Noncanbaot- Bowding .................................................................. 3,224 Day ....................................................................... 615 - 3,av Pdwtesohwk- - 5.515 Contrsctboardlng ................................................................... n 5 Noneontract- Boardlug .................................................................. 29 Day ....................................................................... 18 - 1.s" PuWc day schools-- - 173 Cantract ................. ,. ................................................................. 4 5n Nanmnbaot. ....................................................................... !.. .... 8:7@ - Total all c h..... ...................................................................... 41.015 IndlanrlllMrcoenrollod In ihemsehools (arerage cnrallmpnt) ................................... 35,397 CBp~nry~ml labbleu t nor urztl ............................................................... 5.723 Torol Indi~nchiIlwoeUglhlof orrhoolatrondancp. ........................................... u 811 Ellplble lnllnn rl.lilmn uopmvldel lor by allow wbools onreremarfuns .......................... 27ia14 TABLE25 .-Loeation, c?zpacity, enrollmat, attendance, etc., of schools in Indian edum- Iwn du?ing$acal year aded June SO, 1911. Resmatioscnhsoaonlsd. namesof class ofsohwl and remsrb. Msona: Camp MeDowell sup&- tendmap Camp ldcDowell.. ...... I8 Day. Lebi.. .................. 22 DO. Salt River ............... 20 Do. Total.. ................ Camp Verde superintend-ency- . Cemp Verde ............. 31 DO. Msyer.. ................. Total.. ................ Colorado River .............. 78 Rl e r ~ a t l o nbo arding. Fort Apache supedntsna- ............ ................ Cihecue.. ............... 41 Day. 50 42 Do. East Pork ............... 40 35 Do. TOM .................. Fort Molaue ................. Kawsuwi.. ................ Kslmb.. .................... ................. 12 63 13 @ Reservation boardiog. 13 Mission boarding; independ ent. Tot81 .................. 81 .............................. Polaooa.. ............... Soeond Yes ............ TOM .................. |