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Show COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 213 1 QU&ps&Plv$e C,iv"ilinFed Tmribes)>, Fisoal year. I umber. 1 Acreage. I Number. 1 Aaesee. 1910 ...................... : ................................. 10 170.25 1911.. ...................................................... 1 4 . lra ----1 2% : Total .............................. :.. ................ 283 14,215.16 2,108 163,72.3.78 I Aot of War. 3 1908 (35 Stat. L. 751). r Act of Ma.7 2;. .l6a (.35 St at. L:. .3l2.1: h.v .den.art mental a.om.o~wl Ar t of(:nnerr.rsd drcd \In). 27,lHX (35 3rU. t. 312) rPm~~ingr~tri;t:onnfroamll landnofintplmuri?d W~ICPB, ih..1n1..11 end Innilas o i rhnn hall tnn:nn h:ood nrl I in,m 1 1 1 1 x r i 9 . =xc.~prL om~r r r ld~. ,ol Indi.$r.rl!h#nr h;l:or s.xi.rI12n hLIaod le%3rhlnrhn+q ~irr:.ra iodrln hlood,oper?lei lor.~nolirl r .arr#<. ttom from ihc i .~a l soi7~,~Iwnl.f ,.~u,w ho held s.rx),d~acrr*;. TABLE39 .-Certifiates of competency i s sued dur ingf i seal year ended Jum SO, 1911, under act of June 25, 1910 ($6 Stat. L., 855), to I n d h m holding fee patents with reshietwm as to alienation. In& to vhom issued. I Number. / Acmage. - Winoe 0,Nebrarka ............................................................ 8isseto%Orth Dakota.. ............. :.. .......................................... Atsent& W andot Oregon ....................... ......... . cosbmm YBashington ..... ..................................... 1.1 ~ u ~ aa~sbiipng ton., ................................................ .......................................................... .. ~ adcu ) Flambeau ~mmnsro.. :. La pointe. wieoo&o ........................................................ :. ... -- Total.. ..................................................................... 1 12 1 3,809.58 TABLE40 .-CertZjE~bltes of competelzcy issued to Kaw a n d Osage I n d i a n s . Dv.1 0sage.a Fiioal year. -Number. A-creage. Nu-mber. Am-g e . Is06 .................................. .................. 1 400 ...................... 1907. .......................... - .......................... 6 2,400 ...................... 1908.. ...................................................... 6 2,400 ...................... 1909 ........................................................ 20 8,WO B 9,310 1910 .............................................................................. 293 143,570 1911. ......................................................-..........-..........-. 84- . 41 ,180 Total.. .............................................. 33 13,203 396 184,040. I Aat Julyl, 1'332 (32 Btat. L., 636). %at June 28, i906 (34 Stat. L., 639). TABLE 41.-Lands lensed fm mining purposes during fiml year ended June SO, 1911. Allotted lands. Unallotted lands. State and sumtend-enoy. Annual -- 0kIah.mx Cantonment ........ Gppaum 478.85 W5.W Osage.. ............ 011 and 680,CCQ. W 617,691.21 Pbnoa .............. ... 8,374.66 1,256.20 .... Tribes.* GBS, ~ i ~ ~ c i ~ i ~ i ~ ~ d . (.I).. d o g?a,321.~ .... 33,828.W 34.828. W 10,843.W q843.w 70.W 70. W Totsl.: ................................. 877,WS. W 811,062.W W y c d n ~Sh oshoneX. Oil........ .......................... $2.38 ,a ................. .; ............ -- TOW 8,767.10 ............ 9,767.10 Grand total ..................... i ........ 1,396,234.41 ...... ............ I Aoreege not'reported. . 9 Annul rental b e d on myalty paid. |