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Show REPORT OF AGENT IN DTAH. at this agehoy. If suitable buildiu 8 are erected for that purpose I am satisfied t,hat I could secure a good aohool with e&ttle time, patience, and hard work. These Indians drew weekly sopplies of beef, tloor, sugar, oaffee, ete. Annuity goods are also issued oonnisting of blankets, clothing, agr~oultursilm plements, eto. An annuity payment)in onah is also luade to these Indians. In the payment of these funds last year the Indians compelled ex-Agent Camon to pay them $3,300 more than they were entitled ro. This he did, as he reported, to save his life and the lives of his employ6a. In the payment of this fund this year, aoting under the inatructlons of the Indian Oftice, I retained from them the 83,300 whioh ex-Agent Carson was compelled to pay them last year. With the exception of the agents houae and the small school-house rhioh is used as an oftice, the buildings are a miserable set of strnotnres, being old stockade log buildinge, scarcely hsh~table, built by the troops in lad0 as temporary quarters, known st the time as Fort Thornburgh. I COLOROW. I insert herewith my reports to you of Angust 21 and September 11, relative to the Colorow affair, now on 5Ie in the Indian Office. [~intnh~gef ioAy,u gust 21. 1887.1 SIR: I herewithreport that on the 6thinsti~ntEnnyC olorow, 80n of Chief Colorow, came to this 8e6ncv and received his annnitv money. On the l3th instant here-turned t o ~ u r x ~ u ~ & c ~s,tatnedd t hat on mrkningio hlar3rnpan;rr >lc.rkrr, Colo-rado, he fot~ndf r o o f his mntw burned down, l~iegoudsr nkao anuy or dearrogad, anal ~ i hxqu ilw~a ud eight rhildrnn who ware lei1 at tlln earup ltnd yunr. Iln furtllrr rr-ported that heuet a wbira man,nhotuld him that ha should nut go farrher, RS thew Ilad been troul,ln l,etwr.n~,t he Iudiaus nod tho cuw-bogr. 0 1 1 Ill* t'rll inutanr, a h v a at the Rmn c r . Ileru~ur~etchla t hie father was beyond hlcckur a1 tllnt tilkte. dud nl,c~ul 200 mlles frob this agenay. On hearing the report of Enny Colorow, I immediately dispatclled John MoAndrews, chief herder a t Ouray, with the following peaceable Ind~anao f Ouray agency, vir. Wesa, McCook, Nickeree. Chas. Shavaneh, Mountain Sheep, and Eung Colorov, to the scene of the reported trouble, to order Calorow and his followers on the reserva-tion, and report to me the cause of the trouble, if there be any. This party started out from Ouray agency st noon on Sunday, 13th instant. Since that time three re-- o orts have been sent me bv Mr. JohnMoAndrews. whioh renorts I herewith inclose to YOU. McAndrews has not yet returned. I sm informed, however, that ha is on his way back. Wass and Chas. Shavanah, two Indians who accompanied McAndrews, re-turned on the 18th instan*, and reported that the whites at Meeker informed them where Colorow was camped and allowed them to go there, and informed them that in bringing him on the reservation they must not pa08 through Meeker, but moat come in by anotherroute. These two Indians reported that they went in the direc-tion pointed out by the whiteq but failed to find Colorow, and returned to the reser-vation by the route directed. On the first reports from Colorow, the Indisns et both this and Onray agency were much excited. I called the Inhsns toether eteach agency and by goodmanagement quieted them to such an extent that they have no sympathy with Colarow whatever, hut openly oondemn his actions. Everything is quiet here and the Indians are busy 8 sthering their orops. I do not know of one Indian who has gone out to join olorow. At a large council of the Indisns held at this a enoy yesterday, at whioh all the chiefs and head-men were oresent. Sowawick. hea% chief of the White River Utes. aleaired to send a ruesseupe; to Colbrow to iod"es, him 18s comn in on rbt! re.rervatio~n: 1 cooaeotad, sod L'intalr Waor nus oelrer,~d Ha 11,n IIII~NSI.IIP;VT 1 0 Lo a(.(.ot!tpanied by another Indian. named Shm-aruff. I:intah Was* id a very rrliuble lo~lirn.h n\,ine taken a l,rotn~~iehpta rt in trentlre hirbcrro made, ltna h i s been prrscrtc~iI,, " rl;; Uepartmunt with a n~,dnl for good rondort. Armed ritlt tho llropcr loapere Uiut:h \Vnaa starred on hia uia3iun gearvrday at noon. I . [&ray Agenoy, September 11, 181.1 SIR: I have thehonor to report that I arrived st this agency Aogust 22, and begm the payment of the annuity money to the Unoompaghre Utes, according to inatruotiona previously received. Objection was made to the retention of the 53,300, which these Indians forced ex-Agent Carsou to pay them last year. By good management their objections wereovercame and the paymentproceeded in themost satisfactory manner. |