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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIOBEIZ OP- IBDIAN AFFAIRS. X+ every Indian school to whose support the Government contributes, the number of pupils it can wcommodate, the enrollment and average at-tendance of its pupils, the number of employ6s, its cost to the Govern-ment, and the method by which it is conducted, whether by this Bu. rean directly or by contract or otherwise. Asnmmary of the statistics therein contained is as follows : Themwere in all 227 schools, with a capacity of 13,766, an enroll-ment of 14,333, and average attendance of 10,520 pupils, which have been maintained at a cost to the Gopernment during the past year of $1,166,025.57.1 Tbey may be classified as follows: There were 68 boarding-schools supported entirely by the Govern-ment, having a capacity of 5,055, an enrollment of 5,484, and an aver-age attendance of 4,111 pupils, and costing $548,787.65. There were 90 day schools, having a capacity of 3,135, an enrollment of 3,115, and an average attendance of 1,896 pupils, and costing $59,678.80. There were five indnstrial training schools, conducted nnder the im-mediate supervision of the Indian Bureau, for whose support Congress makes special appropriation, and three other training schools in which t,he placing of Indian pupils is provided for by special appropriation, but which are managed by other than Government officials. These eight schools have had a capacit,y of 2,005, an enrollment of 2,137, and an average attendance of 1,828 pupils, and have cost the Government $318,336.01. Under contract,t mainly with religious organizations, 41 boarding-schools and 20 day schools were maintained, the former having an aver-age attendance of 2,081 pupils, and costing the Government $228,445.58, and the latter having an average of 604 pnpils, and costing $10,777.53. Put into tabulated form these statistics are as follows: Kind of sahool. k F E -i Manseed direatlv bv the Indian Borean: 1 I I I 8 , 'This Bum does not include expenditores for ooustruatiou andrepairs of boilclings, transportation of pupils, and some miscellaneous itrms. tA tahie giving detletniled information iu regard to contraot sehoois wiU be fonnrl on pap 321. Total Government sahools ........................ Condnoted nnder aontraot aith Indian Buman: 228 445.68 10:177.53 -239,2-73.11 1,166,025.51 Bo~rrling-8choo.l.~. ................................... Day schools ........................................... Totaleonbtsohwls ............................. Grandtotal ................................. , . 41 2.733 2,653 2,081 PO 843 1,044 604 --61 227 --3,5-76 13,766 -3,597 2,685 - 14,333 1 10,520 |