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Show or at the agency. Some of the Indians, to save their crops, were compelled to par. chase mowers on credit. To secure the agency crop of hay we were compelled to borrow a mower from Onray agency. A thresher was ordered in this yeA~Js snpplies; it may reach the agenoy in time to he of service this season. The freight for this and Ooray agenoies is now being delivered at Prioe Station. This freight will be hauled by the Indiana to the ageucies. Their hor~e sa m now being shod and their wagons pnt in complete repair for that purpose. There am a sufficient number of teams at this agency to bring in all the supplies before the bad weather sets in. Authority bas been grantedfor the cutting and hauling of 200 cords of fire-woad for the use of this agency and school, at aprica not to sxoesdggsper cord. This work will be done exclusively by the Indians. This as well aa the freighting will he s souroe of revenue to the Indiana and will have the effect of stimulating them to further industry. The agenoy mill was rnn by the military during November of last year in sawing lumber to be used in the building of the post known as Fort Du Chesne. The mill was unfit for use, the machinery having been condemned several years ago. On the .22d day or November the boiler exploded with great foroe, almost destrogingthe mill, killing one soldier and wounding three soldiers and the bleok~mith and farmer, agency employ4a. Permission hming been received from tbs Indian Office to remove the engine and bailer at Onray agency 35milesdistant, the samewas done by themili-tary under command of General Hatch, and'placed in position at this agenoy, with-out expense to the Department, and about 110,000 feet of lumber was sawed far buildings at Fort Du Cbssns. The mill is not in runnin order st thin time, but it will be put in repair to saw a large number of logs tbat%ava been out and hauled there by the Indians to be out into building material for use by them. The Indians bave this sp,ring boilt twelve houses for themaelves aithont any oust to the Government except a. few nsile. The police force hm bean filled to its mmximnm number-one captain and six privates. They have been very usefnl and attentive to their duties. There was oonsidersble exoitement at this agenoy during the month of August relative to Colorow and his followers then in Colorado. Runners were constantly oaming to the ageoc with exaggerated reportsof the condition of affairs. Councils were oonstantly h e ~ h a u dth e sltutation fully considered. The hot heads were kept down, and, having every confidence in the agent, they agreed to obey his orders, whioh they did to the letter. They continued their work, and all of them remained on the re~ervstion. The agency buildings have been much improved this spring; porehea built with lumber received from the military as a pereentsge far n8s of mlll, and buildings re-psired. The office and other buildings were plastered with material and labor kind1 furnished by the militnry at Fort Du Chesne. I have lumber on hand for the buil? ing of a comfortable drag-shop for the eooommodatiou of the aiok. The buildingwill be erected a t no cost to the De~artment.a nd bv emolo~0sw hen not otherwiae en- |