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Show 2 8 LIST OR PAPERS No. 23.-Report of Samuel F. Brown, superintendent of farms for the Se-see-toan and Wah-pay-toan bands. No. 24.-Report of N. R. Browd, superintendent of farms in Yellow Medicine Valley. -N n... 2-6... - R-e ~ort of William Allen. blacksmith for the Se-see-toan and ah-pay-toan bands. . No. 26.-Report of John Nairn, carpenter for theMed-a-way-kan-toan and Wah-pay-koo-tay bands. No. 27.-Report of Calvin Hubbard, miller to the Sioux. No. 28.-Report of Charles H. Mix, agent for the Winnebagoes. , CENTRAL SUPERINTENDENCY. No. 29.-Report of A. M. Robinson, superintendent. No. 30.-Report of Alfred J. Vaughan, agent for the Blackfeet. No. 31.-Letter of W. G. Hollins, relative to the Upper Missouri agency. No. 32.-Report of A. H. Redfield, agent for the Yancton Sioux. No. 33.-Report of Thomas S. Twiss, agent for the Indians of the Upper Platte. No. 34.-Report of Thomas S. Twiss, agent for the Indians of the Upper Platte. No. 35.-Report of W. W. Bent, agent for the Indians on the Ar-kansas. No. 36.-Report of W. W. Deunison, agent for the Ottoes and Mis-sourias. No. 37.-Report of Daniel Vanderslice, agent for the Ioways, and the Sacs and Foxes of the Missouri. No. 38.-Report of W. P. Badger, agent for the Kickapoos. No. 39.-Report of Bf J. Newsom, agent for the Shawnees and Wyan-dotts. No. 40.-Report of William E. Murphy, agent for thePottawatomies. No. 41.-Re~ort of John Jackson, superintendent of thePottawatomie gaptist manual labor ichciol. No. 42.-Report of John Shultz, super-intendent of the Pottawatomie St. Mary's Mission manual labor school. Nn 42 --R--,e- nrn-r-t -n- f- -P n- -rr-v" Fuller. arrent for the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi, and the 0tt;was and Chippewas. No. 44.-Report of Milton C. Dickey, agent for the "Kaws" or Kan-sas Indians. No. 45.-Report of Seth Clover, !gent for the Weas and Piankeshaws, Kaskaskias and Peorias, and Miamis. SOUTHERN SUPERINTENDENCY. I No. 46.-Report of Elias Rector, superintendent. N- .n- . 4-' 1.. .- R-m. -o rt of Andrew J. Dorn. agent for the Osaxes, Quapaws, A- - I Senecas and Shawnees, incsenecas. No. 48.4eport of John C. $choenmakers, anperintendent of the isage manual labor school. I No. 4%-Report ofGeorge Butler, agent for the Cherokees. |