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Show Of (hurch-Ojficert, with their EleEiion, .Chap. z_, 4. Thm1gh godly men Baptized- members of a pure Chu_rch, are to be accounted Church-members as long as they contmue their habitation' and elet1:ion to that Churcbr; yet feverall Baptized perfons brokei1.offfrom their fe.ve<'.tJ!- Chur:hes, ·to ~v.hichlOmctimes. thcy did belong, amd now meectng accidentally m 011c place, are· non therefore-one Church anew. amongfr themfclvcs, unleffe-·they.' will imag_inc· that ,C}Jim~Jr.• of an univerfall vifibleChu-. rch. :~ - ----------c.. ' ' f I I·. ' ' ,·I ToMbing Cf,serch. Officer!, IIlith their el~dion' dnd o;-dina-tion. · · · · ·" · f ,·, ,sEc r • .1. d. ) I • ,{j 1 II HE Churcli being tlius gathered, as h;ttli. been defcribed, our next care is that it may be fi1pplyed with all thqfc Officers and n1emb'ers which Chrifr hath ordained to continue in his Church qntill hi& . .. - - (i:~ond cq?tming,for they an; all givcnifor_the •edi· fyu}gand ~rfet1:mg of,lus,body,up~in we all grpw qnw.the mea· fure of the frature of t!Je fi.I)f19(\e ,efChrilt,-l'fh. 4.' }- ~,12 ' ''3· The Ap_ofij~ Proph¢rs, ~pc!, E;v'\'1gelifrs, tl"jey mn ccwinq~ in their w;rmngs, to q~ Ma.fret;-qui~crs of the-ChurdJ~s. in all ages, and thcrc:fo,n;. the Chttrch'A~ ~a_IcJ.,ro ~~ buil~,npoq, their fulmpation, ch_at ts,, upon the fot!nd.tt~on wluch they by thcir wri!ings hav:e Lud, Epb: 2:j!o, QUt IJl jh~Ir_ S\!Cce!fors~n-tqe f.1m~ em in en~ calling they continue not : ~hence \hd Apoille·fpeakech:. of• himf~fe and B~nub:.s,_ as the Ltfr Apofl:Ies, 1 Cor. 4· 9· And when ~he· new Je~~~fo: em( the Chu~ch gf the JeiW'!) ~om neth to b~ planted, ,it is not f;u~ to be p)<~.nc~d by n<;-~,._ApofU~,sJ ~\lrPY the fa~mer,tW):;l ~e Ap~fiJss Q[.tlJ.,c ~a~tJC,,R;zn2.1' 191 ~?.wu;, by ~P«iiJdJI~.reM?.~~of their Dot1:rme !till lefc behmdc them in thci1· writi,~s- , '• ~t remai.neth·t~erefore,tha.t theordinaryq;~cers·o~~hC\Church wh1cll are tocommue to the cornming of yl_ll'iil: JeiiLS ,. ~re eithe<' ~l~ers>(whon~-tue ,:\p(_)ftlecal!ech::#o-Bifk•?s, 'fiu.I.5·7· A[£.20. ., 7· zS.) or Deaq:j~s; ()(,El,<,lers he_ O)l~~th: ~,vo.f;9-;ss,, OLJii for.t he - calletb calleth them that n1le, the other ti1~m cl1at labour in the Word; whether of Exhortation, as the Paltors, or of Dot1:rine, as the Teachers, 2c'lim. 5· 17. For the two ions of ordinary preaching Elders, the Apo!lle calleth P ajlors and 1cachcn ,Eph.4.11. And fuch feverall kindesoflabouringin the Word, by the one in a word of Exhortatibn, by the othe_r in a WGrd of Dot1:rine, the Apofrle ex~ prcfiy holdeth forth, Rom. 12. 7, 8. He that tcacheth (faith he) let him,.,,,;,. OJ'l •teaching, and be that exhortcth on exhortation;which argueth fl difference ot their funCtions by the di/tinEI:ion of thei.r proper or efpeciall aCtions. lfit be f.~id, the difference of thole aCtions doe not arg1,1e adi~ verfitie of funCtions, but both teaching and exhorting arc co-incident to one and the fame Office, as being fcver<~Il aCtions of fe-ver all gifts, not of !eve rail Officers: _ Anjw. 1The contrary is evident from the Text, as may·appeare> by three fcverall d·ca!ons from the wm:ds of the Text. · Re3J I. From the words which the Apofilc u[eth, im ,{'J..,.,. .i~', lin o <rar~u>ii•, which doe not dillribute fcverall gifts on ely, but Ceverall perfons,to whom thofe feverall gifts are feverally conimitred, acaortling as the fame Apo/He difiributeth the fame di~ vers torts:t>f gifts to the ktme divers forts of perfons, 1 Cor. 12. 8. T~ o•lf. (faith he) if giwn a word of wifdome, (to w~t, for direllion ofprat1:ice, wlkret.o the Paftor attendeth) to anotbe'r tbe W<Jrd bj "z!owlcdge (to wit, for direCtion of the judgement) whereto the teacher attendetl1, and both by the (arne Spirit, who dillrib~teth to every man fcvcrally, ver. 11. · • , Rcaf 2. I hough Office be one thing , and gift co difchatge an office a1\otlwr, and :the aCtions or 'I'Xerci[c; of everylfeverall gift doth not alwayes argue a Ceverall office ; ·yet iH this place it is the fcope of the Apofile to exprdfe the different offices, or funCtions of Pafro.rs and T eacher-1 by their differem and proper acts ; for here he fpe~k~h of the ·divers members 'of the Chmch , as , of divers mea1ber&of 1he nattlrall body, who having divers 0£l:iccs, or fuo~ B:iorts in the body, are [0 perfonne different proper actions, according co their different functions; ar wee !JJvi1w mmy memberr (_faith lie) in one body ( ver. +'')..)and aU the 11umbm~h.•ve not oqe ofJtce, (as the tqnilator A:umeth it when the Original! Ltith,. have not one aa:ion,or pr.tt1:iCe,bur both exprcffin~ the fame meaning;) c 2 fo |