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Show . a woh | : = % a" > alee yrud a Depa tte n ip magia giRE. fuer gee nT abate SS Sap ct Fe - getPiet rf ‘ ae me 3 s se i suerte A ae Aoi. af Na.” , 2 z Sa . * as Rs 1 ~ . —— om = SS e = = = ee e = . _——= ‘ . _ ¥ 3 Kaos n sa = ——— : ell = i PRR. = _= SS = S — —== ~~. =S = = = ee =~ . => : me mee ‘ aSr aa bei at 2 tt. .3 - aa 9 fe Jee fhe = Sa" uark x reise Ryea) te Sete" as My) : i Ss TE Se a == —— SS = = — ———— ort ce + ESN = r Se ae = AE Ni 4 a . in . SareeoT - era S. Rats * : . | Pe wg - a = ot = 7x a “ 5 - = ery Sa‘ ~ SR es 2ht I. POs -at es ¢ 4 thats a: a = i : = « = - ¥ " ine : - “ " ae nin Rot 2S aaiieemeaeeie — a er fy " a. . ais 5 he 4 Pw : ze n 3 eET ce nee Cae ae F5 RE 4 (®t f VG are ‘ ti ‘ oe : r Y = : : ee ; al 3 & ies Wall pa : we aie res . - akrae¥, ae {oo . ~~¥ , - per ai . 7 p : + ae f a J ~ ws ~~ be pie = = et : PRU . . e me hae: 4 fi ae i wa a aM » = 2 eee reine se ae gh J Pee Oe ‘4 alist n “ : a 3 5 Ae ae Pt . Bia ; Se RO - eo a pe es FP My of c ip ) het ‘ ’z = Sear od eo Aba oe Seg josie— ~ prey A Lcae SOR gh y ae ier eS " 12 RI . ; Se ac * : : Wt . = = = = : A = ‘ pi vl abe re = ws i = . ‘ on at ti es - sepa Ci a = S » a - po ssf SW 5‘ o mee her Nine 5if a ~~ = a a “oo~ i hs OR Ee. ; "= wh he Linve 8 s = ~ TS RT : : wo oytas és j MS ne “f z + Je = id . - o God of the whole an hall he { l Hy | m0 spilt i He : i ab ' , ? age: es thy eee name;es an his nam The ofLordisraelof ; hostsiyij his quitand,ly One d th: Mak Redeem The S So h ih’ iin asra tel a b AE ‘ : remember the re tea rem “ t ‘ Ot et x ER hte “ , & a , ‘g eats SR ED etm i” te & ° ee? - Suc widowhood a ench ” rw and fury upon them, have not heard. of thy ey TR my people, = oan ot iu Iw il] exec' © house of Israel; and as upon the | ieathen, ev - even : t: leneth. ee hthou s oe lengt stakes; for eer orth. on the righ d se onenk ight hand naand on the left; and th ee 3 erit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities ba Soactbet : neithér he thou con - + et. not repem fe a the habitations : thy, - + == var will thy and stren ngeth = Fe the Father, that at that day, whosoey i Sp ¢ off from come unto my beloved Son, them will r}I cu recu nesP, el ul te VOR rtains of €n thy cords 2 done away- Sch tthe ere ate - . be Yea, the work shall commence amone al] the dispersed of my people, with the Father, to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that ather inmy name; yea, and then shall they may call on the the work commence, in preparing the wa y his people may be gathered home to te tad of fhe mheritance. And they shall go out from all nations ; and they shall not | go out in hastste, e, nor go fli ht: forI will go beforeCY them, saith the Father; and [ will by 7 flig be And then _ that which is written come totheir re reward pass . Sing, O barren* ou that didst not bear; break fort h into singing, and cry Oud, thou that didst not travail with child: for aes . the desolate than the children of the more are the\ married wife = = shall the tribes : doms, even ee 5 e orc nridet of thee} ® shalt have no more soothsayer : . 7 ing images out oF tlie S e eut off, and thy standing imag cs of thy hands; 2n¢ i thou shalt no more worship the works 0 , Rr i ill J add isle destre? pluck up thy groves out of the midst of the that : a. a wi thy cities. And it shall come : ie strifes, ine and sti 17} iene 40, ass :and talpriestcrall”, : and envyings, ecivings, yea, ers ! will destroy thy chariots of the midst of; thee, and low | strom throw Gown all thyYad cut off the cities; of thy land, and eel o s f thy hand, die tn) of Al c cut off witchcraits holds; : and I will c eakiahe outweaver images 1 will people; wich have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of erusalem. a ; Gentiles, yea, in the midst of them 7 oe : t «a the of the forest, as a young lion among oe p! in eth tear and n if he go through, both treadeth dow be lifted up lee en shail hand r Thei ver. deli none can | oS “ be oat shall versaries, and all their enemies saa oe it . it for nt: repe unto the Gentiles, except they 4 2° y h t will cut off in that day, saith the Father, that I , and | wis among all the dispersed of my > me b, shall a my people which are a remnant ol, asJaco out Hk ie among the remnant of this people. Verily, I say unto you, At that day shall the work of the Father commence Tri the o and.then shall the work of the Father commence, at that day even when this Gospel shall be preached ae iaaeeors an . ° shall the power of heaven come down among them; and I also will be in the midst: = wisdom 1s greater than the ; cunning‘ of _ the otDevilhethem that my ; re to pass, that shall come Therefore which a Jesus Christ, 1 hich the fe | in my it words, lieve ey wn? the shall cause him to bring forth unto & forth unto them bring sive unto him power that he shall ae aey ) , said s’ Mose as even Gentiles, (it shall be done are of the pevenent oe cut off from among my people which soe Yet I will heal him, for | will shew — them, and they shall come in unto the covenant, and be num- bered among this the remnant of Jacob, unto whom 1 have given this land for their inheritance, and they shall assist my people, the remant of Jacob; and also, as many of the house of Israel as shall come, that they may build a city, which shall be called the New Jerusalem; and then shall they assist my people that they may be gaihered in, which are scattered upon all the face of the land, in unto the New Jerusalem. And then = had to pass that kings shall shut their mouths: for that which had they not been told them shall they see; and that which For in that day, for my sak not heard shall they consider. great and shall the Father work a work, which shall be a them among be shall there marvellous work among them; and unto it e declar shall man a which will not believe it, although hand my in be shall t servan my But oehold, the life of them. he shall be marred therefore they shall not hurt him, although Bur if they will repent, and hearken unto my words, and harden not their hearts, I will establish my church among 3 the nant which he hath made unto the people which are of come shall it come, shall day that when And house of Israel. So NEPHIi. CHAPTER -%— of the be a sign unto them, that they may know that the work covethe of ing fulfill the unto d ence Father hath already comm because of them. OF . =——————— == SS = = s a ae VSS ~ > . seein 2 aS : BSE SE . ™ BOOK OF NEPHI. : BOOK |