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Show *EHCOND ye are bound, and come BOOK forth who istrument God. 1h no the hands NEPITY. of obscurity, Out more the dust. R have been g lorious, aba trom the tim e that we leit ebe] OF dalle your hath ol in broth; ere ke pt Jerusalem, and the and arise whose from views commandments who hath us forth bringing be: nN: you, hiv le SI he shall sutler that he sought powe again: rand tor be h old, authority ye mito have accused but I know Over you; the hath not sought for power nor authorit y over you; an Ratt nh ’ kay 4 ‘ sought the glory ot = : And } Vou. } » God, oO have murmured eee ye Ye Say tat he ial | ty : and your own because use “d he hat! hn been she rpne gs.° bu eternal \ ye , plain Say un- he that uth been e ingry with you. But behold, his shar ‘phess was | He; sharpness of the power of the word of God. which was in him > : and that which ye call anger, was the truth, accerding to tha Which is in God, which he could not constr ain, manifestine ae concerning pou: iniquiti¢ s. And it must needs be that | omer of God must be with-him; even unto his comman ding you, “that ye n a obe \. wu it was the spirit of the Lo: -d which Lis mouth to utterance, taat he bi ‘ho I I. it Was not bik. bu ee s in him, oe h “Opened could not shut j And now my son Laman, and also Le m zs | ha: Sam, and; so my sons which are the sons of Ishmael, behold. ij ye w 7 h vearken unto the voice of Ne phi, ye shall not perish . ‘And j 1 ye will hearke n unto him, I leave unto you a blessi ng, yea, eve) my first blessing. But if ye will not heaarken unto him, ti ke away my first ble ssing, yea, even my blessing, and it si all rest upon him. A ndnow, Zoram, i spe ak unto you: Behold, thou art the servant of Laban: ne verthe! less, thou hast been broush out of the land of Jcrusale m, and I knew that thou art a true un friend unto my son, Nephi, hast been faithful, forever. Wherefore. because thou thy secd shall be blessed with his see d, tha they dwell in prosperi ity long save it upon the face of this land and shall be iniquity among: them, shall harm on dis urb th yeir prosperity upon the face of this land. forever.— W ‘he re Lore, il ye shall kee ‘:p the commandme nts cf the Lc a, nothing, } nS ‘ y . Sthe Tord hat! 1 conse ecrated * « this land for the securi ity of thy with the seed of my son. X An: d now, Jacob, | spea k unto OU: Thou a ar t my first ‘born in j the days ‘of my tuib seed ne Ww! derne Ses And behold, in thy childhood, elaéoa lit thou hast suf- thy BOOK much sorrow, afflictions and brethren. derness, ser land of promise: for were it not for him, we must have 1 shed with hunger in the wilderness: nevertheles: ye so yo to take away his life; yea, and he hath suffered much sorrow because of you. And l exceedingik lear and tremble becaus: of fred “<ECOND OF . 7 4 because : of the ‘Nevertheles, Jacob, my first the greatness of God; thou knowest (7? NFEPHi,. 4 ; rudeness born i tie wil- and he shail con- halt W heretore, thy soul nt thine afflictions for thy gain. of} lessed, and thou shalt dwell safely with thy brother, Nethy days shall be spent in the service ‘of thy Gou.— aa Vh re refore, I mon that thou art reedeemed, because of the any righte 20u U: he mess fulness of thy Redeemer: of time, he™cometh for thou hast t beheld, to bring that im men. unto salvation And thou hast beheld in thy youth, his glory ; wherefore, thou art blessed even as they unto whom he shall minister in the the same, yesterday, to-day, and torflesh ° for the spirit is And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salever. And men are instructed sufficiently, that they vation is free And know good from evil. And the ee. is given unto men. , by the law, men are. eut by the law, no flesh is justified; off. Yea, by the temporal law, nay were cut off; and also, by the: spiritual law , they perish from that which is good, and become miserable abies W! he refore, redemption cometh m and through - Holy Messie ih: for he is fullc of g1 race and truth. Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those which have a bro: ken heart and a contrite spirit mn unto none else can the ends of the law be oe Ee answered. Wherefore, how gre at the importance toA Mmake these hinge nown sto the mhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presc ence of God, save it be through the t merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, which layeth down his life accerding to the flesh, and taketh it again “by the power of the spirit, that he may bring to pass the resu rrection of the dead, being the first that should unto God, inasmuch children nf men; rise. Wherefore, he is the firs‘st fruits as he shall make intercession for all the and they that beheve in him, spali oe alt pe bs say = ¥ ed, ft And because of ‘the intercession for all, alln n cometh unto God; wherefore, they stand in the prenene | of Him, to be judged ES! Him, according to the truth and heknes which: is in Him. Wherefore, the ends of the law which the Hoiy One hath given, unto the inflicting of the punishment which is af€ u ae whieh punishment. ix 3 is affixed is in 0} pposition tot] tw) > i eh _ ol the happiness which is Heed to answer th ie ends of the afonement; for it must needs be, that there is an opposition } ih all things. Hf not so, my first hort in the wilderness “righty USDESS could not be. brought to pass; neither w ‘eketNESS ; > et; ; 0 |