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Show NANOS NEWS 32nd Annual Meeting of the North American Neuro- Ophthalmology Society Tucson, Arizona February 25- March 2, 2006 At the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa, nestled in the desert mountains around Tucson, Arizona, 368 neuro-ophthalmologists gathered from February 25 to March 2, 2006 for the 32nd Annual Meeting of the North American Neuro- Ophthalmology Society ( NANOS). Some 71 people came from outside North America, including 11 from Switzerland, 7 from Israel, 5 from Australia, 5 from the United Kingdom, and 3 from France. The setting could not have been more perfect: a recently- opened, elegant, modern adobe- style hotel large enough to accommodate nearly all attendees; blue skies; balmy 75- degree weather; and a spectacular view into the valley of Tucson. The Harvard delegation organized The Frank B. Walsh Symposium, the first day's activity. Neuro- ophthalmologists Simmons Lessell, MD ( Boston, MA) and Shirley Wray, MD, PhD ( Boston, MA), led the selection committee, which included two invited experts: neuroradiologist Hugh Curtin, MD, and neuropathologist Tessa Hedley- Whyte, MD. The experts enhanced the 18 case presentations with trenchant comments. After all these years, is it possible to keep coming up with mystifying new case material for the Walsh? Only by refitting the old with a touch of new imaging and immuno-histochemistry, as Neil R. Miller, MD ( Baltimore, MD) pointed out with his dartboard of the favorite Walsh diagnoses. It somehow often stumps the experts and nearly always dazzles the rest of us. Over the next four days, the scholarly activities included symposia of invited lectures as well as 23 platform presentations and 103 posters featuring original work. The first symposium covered the optic neuropathy found in amiodarone and erectile dysfunction drugs users, medication- related intracranial hypertension, and medication-exacerbated myasthenia gravis. The second symposium dealt with intracranial hypertension and hypotension, including new theories of cerebrospinal absorption, a presentation on the forthcoming NANOS idiopathic intracranial hypertension treatment trial, a lecture on intracranial hypertension in children, and a debate on whether chronic intracranial hypertension can exist without papilledema. 158 The third symposium covered adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy, autofluorescence photography, and optical coherence tomography. Finally, there was a debate on the merits of visual field restoration therapy. Just as interesting were the " elective" offerings: workshops on how to give borulinum toxin, use PowerPoint and the NOVEL web site, and balance professional and recreational activities. There was time off for an opening reception under the stars, a fun run, a golf tournament, gem mining and desert jeep tours, and the traditional Wednesday night banquet. At the banquet, Neil R. Miller, MD was honored for presenting the Fifth Hoyt Lecture on " Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas" at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. ( It will be published in the September 2006 issue of this Journal.) Jennifer T Scruggs ( New York, NY) received the award for the best presentation at the Walsh Meeting; Michael D. Richards ( Toronto, ON) received the award for the best NANOS presentation by a medical student; Lori Anderson, MD ( Chippendale, Australia), received the award for the best NANOS presentation by a resident physician; and Gregory F. Wu, PhD ( Philadelphia, PA), received the award for the best NANOS presentation by a fellow. Shirley Wray, MD, PhD ( Boston, MA) dancing with William F. Hoyt, MD ( San Francisco, CA). J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2006 NANOS NEWS J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2006 Current NANOS Board of Directors. Standing ( left to right): Anthony Arnold, MD ( Los Angeles, CA), Preston Calvert, MD ( Potomac, MD), and Eric Eggenberger, DO ( East Lansing, Ml); seated ( left to right): Leah Levi, MD ( San Diego, CA), Kathleen Digre, MD ( Salt Lake City, UT), Larry Frohman, MD ( Newark, NJ), Deborah Friedman, MD ( Rochester, NY), Ralph Sawyer, MD ( Jacksonville, FL), and Nancy Newman, MD ( Atlanta, GA). Thomas Carlow, MD ( Albuquerque, NM) and his wife Susan with Jane and Robert B. Daroff, MD ( Cleveland, OH). 159 J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2006 NANOS NEWS 2006 NANOS travel award recipients ( left to right): Gregory W. Schmidt, MD, Johns Hopkins University Hospital ( Baltimore, MD), Martin Sutton- Brown, MD, University of Calgary ( Calgary, Alberta), Christopher C. Glisson, MD, Michigan State University ( Lansing, Ml), Beau B. Bruce, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital ( Boston, MA), and Edward Atkins, MD, University of Saskatchewan ( Saskatoon, Saskatchewan). Once, current, and future neuro- ophthalmology fellows from Emory University gather with their mentors Nancy Newman, MD and Valerie Biousse, MD. Front row ( left to right): Pisit Preechawat, MD ( Bangkok, Thailand), Donna Hill, MD ( Atlanta, GA), Valerie Biousse, MD ( Atlanta, GA), Nancy Newman, MD ( Atlanta, GA), Busaba Sathornsumetee, MD ( Bangkok, Thailand), and Beau Bruce, MD ( Boston, MA). Back row ( left to right): Renee Van Stavern, MD ( not a fellow, but spouse of Gregory), Gregory Van Stavern, MD ( Detroit, Ml), Edward Atkins, MD ( Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, not a fellow but a rotating resident), Paul Phillips, MD ( Little Rock, AR), Lucia Lanza, MD ( Sansepolcro, Italy), Janet Rucker, MD ( Chicago, IL), and Ben Rucker ( not a fellow, but spouse of Janet). 160 © 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins NANOS NEWS J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2006 Neil R. Miller, MD ( Baltimore, MD) receives a plaque from Anthony Arnold, MD ( Los Angeles, CA) for having presented the Fifth Hoyt Lecture at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Kathleen B. Digre, MD ( Salt Lake City, UT), Ivy Dreizin, MD ( Madison, Wl), and Valerie Purvin, MD ( Indianapolis, IN) in the desert near Tucson. -; IP ' V J ^ n ffl 1 A M It n . / \ CNS y^ \ vasculitis / \ CJD \ / Fungus N. \ / Not a cluei"""--^^ \. \ ' Erdheim- Chester " -^^>-^\ i Misread scan ^^^^^\ y// \^ Paraneoplastic^/ / / \ / Tbc / / \ / PML / X. / Rosai- > v / Dorfman The Walsh Gospel according CADAS1L / JX / AIDS- related/ N. / disease / \ / / LvmDhoma / \ / / / IVlitochoiidriopathy \ / / yS ^^-""""^ MS ( oops, \ f / ys~-~^^'^ biopsied) 1 ^ \ \. ^""~\^^ Mass ] \ \. ^~~-\ somewhere / \ \. Churg- y' \ \^ Strauss / \ Sarcoid \( Gliomatosis \ y^ cerebri \ ^ ^ to Neil Miller, MD. Can you hit the correct diagnosis? Deborah I. Friedman, MD ( Rochester, NY) and Kathleen B. Digre, MD ( Salt Lake City, UT) spar before their big debate on whether chronic increased intracranial pressure can exist without papilledema. Next year's annual meeting will take place at the Snowbird Resort and Conference Center ( www. snowbird. - com) in Snowbird, Utah, February 10- 16, 2007 ( www. na-nosweb. org). Jonathan D. Trobe, MD Ann Arbor, Michigan 161 |