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Show CALENDAR Upcoming Meetings March 28- April 1, 2003 XXIV Pan American Congress of Ophthalmology San Juan, Puerto Rico http:// www. panamofta2003. org Contact: info@ paao. org July 10- 15, 2003 Sixth IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience Prague, Czech Republic http:// www. ibro2003. cz/ Contact: krajickova@ guarant. cz March 29- April 5, 2003 55th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology Honolulu, HI http:// www. aan. com/ professionals/ index. cfm Contact: 651- 695- 1940; web@ aan. com August 30- September 3, 2003 7th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress Helsinki, Finland http:// www. kenes. com/ efns2003/ Contact: headoffice@ efns. org April 2 6 - M a y l , 2003 American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2003 Annual Meeting San Diego, CA http:// www. neurosurgery. org/ aans/ Contact: 888- 566- 2267; info@ aans. org September 14- 18, 2003 XVth International Congress of Neuropathology Turin, Italy http:// www. newtours. it/ icnp2003/ Contact: ICNP2003@ newtours. it April 27- May 2, 2003 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology ( ASNR) Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington, DC http:// www. asnr. org/ asnr/ UpcomingMeetings. htm Contact: 630- 574- 0220 October 8- 11, 2003 Joint European Research Meeting in Ophthalmology and Vision Palacio de Congresos del Colegio Oficial de Medicos, Alicante, Spain http:// www. ever. be Contact: secretariat@ ever. be May 4- 9, 2003 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology ( ARVO) Fort Lauderdale, FL http :// www. arvo . org/ October 18- 23, 2003 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Denver, CO http:// www. neurosurgery. org/ cns/ meetings/ index. asp Contact: 877- 517- 1CNS June 15- 18, 2003 European Neuro- Ophthalmological Society ( EUNOS) Goteborg, Sweden Contact: Bertil. Lindblom@ neuro. gu. se June 17- 21, 2003 Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences Annual Meeting Quebec, Canada http :// www. ccns . org Contact: congress@ venuewest. com October 19- 22, 2003 American Neurological Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http:// www. aneuroa. org/ annual. htm Contact: susanmhamilton@ msn. com November 8- 12, 2003 Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA http:// www. sfn. org/ Contact: bj@ sfn. org Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. JNeuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2003 111 JNeuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2003 CALENDAR November 16- 19, 2003 American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Anaheim, CA http :// www. aao. org/ annual_ meeting Contact: meetings@ aao. org December 12, 13, 2003 Japanese Neuro- Ophthalmology Society Kyoto, Japan Contact: skashii@ kuhp. kyoto- u. ac. jp February 5- 7, 2004 International Stroke Conference San Diego, CA LaRita Edwards: 214- 706- 1100 Contact: strokeconference@ heart. org March 27- April 1, 2004 North American Neuro- Ophthalmology Society ( NANOS) Meeting Renaissance Orlando Resort at Seaworld Orlando Florida http:// www. nanosweb. org/ meetings/ Contact: 860- 586- 7507 June 29- July 2, 2004 16th International Perimetric Society Meeting Barcelona, Spain http:// webeye. ophth. uiowa. edu/ ips/ Meetings/ Barcelona04. htm Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 112 © 2003 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |