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Show r 6‘2 1 than to the other- Yet this would efi'et‘lually‘ remove the grand dilhculty, that the pa‘liament by loading the Americans would cafe themfelves. In this cafe, on the contrary, no burden could be brought on [63] however low, may be afeerxained as what ought to be lev ied from them. Shall I ,jive you the firm of all their propof als to their Britta?» fellmv-hiljcé'ts, before they formally renounced their 'rllegizmce? I {hall dou biels be them, but when a proportionably greater is laid on ‘ the Britifh fuhjeét. Have they then propofed any me- accufed of treating with ridicule a very lerious bulimia. But let it be obferved, that when peo ple ' thod thernfelves for removing this ohl‘tacle, this great are abfurd in their propofitions and demand s, the fitnnblinthock? Nothing thatl know of, hut a 3 naked truth makes their conduct ridiculo us. ml immuizz'tv, or what is equivalent, to be left to do it does to, can reflect only on themielves; Enc e to expofi: their abiiirdity is the inevitable confequen of ce That as they pleate. This and only this will content them. Will any confiderate perfon fay, that this is :1: reafonable motion on their part? I‘Jetl-ing can he ajuit reprefentation lam not fenfible that in the following account, the real purport of their overtures lets to. The colonies indeed, by their own provincial and pretentious are, in any refpec‘t, mifreprefent ed, allemblics, have been in the practice of raifing a final! part, and but a {mall part, of What is itecefl'ary for or even heightened. What they claim, and what they offer, appear to amount to no more than this. ‘ ‘We will do your king the honour to acknowledge ‘ him for our king; we Will never refute to pay him. the internal adminiflrati'm of juilice and the goverruent of the colony. But 'in this way they have not hitherto raifed money for dch‘aying the more public and unavoidable expences of the gorernmcnt in the protection of the whole. Nor indeed is this an ade- ‘ that compliment, provided no more than compliment is under-flood by it. judicial proceedings {hall be in quate method of doing it, confidering the indepen- his name, and My mum (which will ferve as well as any other name) {hall {land at the head of our pro- dentzy of the prefixes on one another, confiderinr; clamations. Nay, he {hall nominate to certain of- tural feliiflmtfs of men, which leads them to lhift the burden, as much as pollible, ofl‘themfelres, and throw" fices amongl'c us, provided it be in our power to ‘ feed or fiarve the officers, or at leaft to permit them to 218:, or tie up their hands, as we happen to like or diflike their conduit. Tho" we are not it upon ti- Cr neighbours. in the two lull: wars, "which fatisfied with the reafonablenel‘s of the thing, we were entertd into folcly for the defence of the colo- fltall, " for the prefent, fubmit to the reitrainv. laid on our trade by the aél: of navigation, proviom we the t‘lilfiisulty of adiullment, when every one. cf 2},» many is ..cft entirely to itfelf, conliderint; too the na- nies, and in confetiumce of the Clan::our railed by them and their agents in .his country, this nation Was involved 7.; more than feventy nfillr‘ons of deb" And of this enormous it: n they have not agreed, not ""11 agree, to any rule, by which a «:er‘ain contingent, have none of your military to guard the execution of that aft, and provided further, that when any F |