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Show l.' 42 J "433 is not only denominated legal but frec, Where, from its flruéture, there arifcs the highcfl‘ probability, that the laws {hall be, both equitable, and adapted to public utility. \thn pofitive fiatutes coincide with the natural fentimcnts of right and ideas of fitnefs, our f! ,y 1 " ‘Y ‘r w a" ." ,".. a =they cni oy o on; [ma/"1r, and the {reel is then gm rem men 2. Another important tliti7;i‘e11ce in poiitiml models, in refiict‘t of freedom, is, when the legifloturc is 1") (:(mllltt'tiCtl, a?) to fecurc alike againtt the tyranny of tizcgrmt, and the madncfs of the mzzlifz'zm'e. The minds {0 entirely approve them, that we do not confidcr them as rqy'iraz'm‘r, additional to thofe to which our mental powers have fubjeftccl us. But of aht‘olutc monarchy, and in the highei degree, of when l‘ctwixt thefc, inftead of coincidence, there is unlimited ariltocracy, VllCl'C tze power is lodged in contrariety, the condition of the people is unnatural, an hereditary nobility. and fit) far flavifli as the laws prove a gelling yoke, to the confiquencc of pure dcmocrac 7. which nothing but terror can fst'ure ol‘cdience. In this refpeét the odds in forms of government is very in every nation are, a 3d mud be, from the laborious an : Circumicrlhtzd way ot lite, to which netting}- great. Lrl'cr‘ts them for luhliftcnce, ignorant and credo-c lotus, an czzfy prey to ambitious, worthleis, and ii it of there is an invariable effect, in fome degree, bers mutt be men offuch rank and fortune as give them a perfonal interef't in preferving the conftitution, The populxce I. L '1 -, In regard to our own, 7720: one or the echntid branches of the legiflature is elefiire, the: its mem- The fecond is as invariahl" My. deiigning men, And fats} experience evinces, that none can be more. nnjuil and cruel, or more blind and precipitate than an incenfed rabble. " Never is and promoting the public good, that they are elected " human nature. in dehaicd," fays acelebrated fo- from all the diti'erent counties and boroughs in the iiland, reigner, " as wh -n ignorance is armed with power‘." by thofc who have a principal concern both in agriThe guard there is in the Brich (oig'l‘z'tzu‘im, againfl: culture and in trade, t/mt they are but temporary k‘ hoth extremes, is jttftly accounted its principal exlegifiators, and may fcon he changed; that the laws cellence. The only other difference I {hall men-w they make for others Inuit aii'eét themfelves; lit/2 tion, is the fecurity there is under fome civil citaare the great hul‘warks of BRITISH FREEDOM, hlifhtnents, of z'mfarfz'al judgment to litigants, and as they afford the fupreme council of the nation, afaz'r trial to thoie aecufcd of crimes. Thereby the the beit opportunities of knowing, and the itrongcfi people are defended againl't encroachment and ope preihon both from neighbours and from rulers. Thefe motives for entitling, what is moi": henciicirti, not to are the principal dillinflions between legal and Ms one part of the country, or to one c1245 of the inhabiInfra/'3', free andflaznflg, as applied to governments" tants, but to the tuba/u. And if it), the people will very rarely be laid under bzer/izi', and not often" . illicit: are in like manner real and weightydiiiintitions, under tmrcafoméfe, that is unnect-lliu‘y, infiraim. r11 n U. ‘. _. , Q- in». more this 19 the cafe utth a people, the more D 3 F Voltaire, Hit}. Gen, Chap. :18, |