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Show ans farming the deep black soil of the Cedar River Valley. Most of them descendants of pioneers who'd immigrated there in the 1850's, they were solid, sober citizens. And the town with its circle of surrounding villages lacked a doctor. Those farmers and small business men took to Father. He was, as an old German declared, "No Shpring Chicken," even though he had just graduated. He had; maturity and his sturdy body, over six feet of muscle, reassured them. He could talk their language in more ways than one. Although he enjoyed hearing and telling a joke, he was basically serious. In medical college he had been schooled to calm down to professional gravity that inspired confidence in the ill and the injured. He had no bad habits. He did not denounce card-playing but he shunned cards as though he feared to be tempted again. Father had a kind of built-in Puritanism but it was purely personal. He didn't preach. He was understanding with users of liquor and tobacco although he never used either. Several times he told me that drinking and smoking made him ill; so, he insisted, he should get no credit for abstaining from thenr. My feeling is that his medical training took full effect on him and made him shun them as he did gambling. He plunged into life with so much zest that he secretly feared to let himself go in activities that might fasten undesirable habits on him. Whether Father gained his self-control mainly from strength or self-distrust, he helped a colleague to conquer an injurious habit. Soon after he settled in St. Ansgar, he was joined by a young dentist. They occupied adjoining offices and saved money by sharing services such as those of a secretary-accountant. Being undersized and a bit shy, the new man admired Father's stature, self-confidence and good humor. He drew courage from their association. Soon Father found he could contribute more. The dentist was, it proved on his first weekend in St. Ansgar, verging on alcoholism. Father helped him until by the time Father married, his colleague was cured. He confirmed his new start in life by marrying also. |