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Show A few more "Town, (1n the 1' memos: 01" the 1'111‘155, Adth‘eiled bythe PRINTER, to the {mumps o1: LIBERTY 111 11:11:11 c111 Sii1ee I he l‘l'hbS 13 FREE, LONG may it REMMN FREE, mutt be the 1e1vmt wilh ofcvery Friend to real Freedom. 13 E L. l '1‘ was the faying (111111 Ancient, and who. E111JGLISH\1\N,(11"1131‘111)Wilt) iivii .1 the time of the Glmious KLVQlution in 10"3, 1‘11;1t, " VJhilc the Ixeedom of the 1' 111‘. 10‘ " is preferved, all other Liberties, both 1.1.11 " and Religious, will be {eeured to 115, 111111rc 11) faithful '11 Guardian." And it is the ducti- ration of the modem, and noble VIRGINI:\\S, " th.1t the Freedom 01'" t1= 1'1RP 88 is one 111' the gun: bulix .111" 111 libL‘rt‘y, 111111 can never be Ieitrained but by dcfpoiiewove:‘mncnl. Hill!" 1""! ‘ MW >H . . . . _11 ' ‘ . 1 Notwithfizintling 1111111: "01111111111. Ll 011117111sz aurhmitiL-s, if that: 111C yet .my number 01 millaken men CX11111<‘ who under the l‘chitrzs p:‘etcnce 111 them be i1; .1 11ece1111y '11t fume tiy- inq exigence for a te111pr11‘2.ry rel111e11011 111 the 14111.11). x1 01‘ the P1113118 and t 1611 fooliih advice 11101111 at my (111C time be Hue-'1ed WC may t11cn 11111.1 13'11l.1lie11 to every 1111115; PCT" t.; 11111;; to 1111"101t1\2 1111 it 1:1 mote th1111 p10- 11.1 )lC, that like unt1 the wre tenecl britifl] P3P 1111111c11t, in the ‘1L1111716, \Vlm l"€t:"‘le_" there were at that time, too many 11m , ~5 111 the nation to 11111731 the triennial cchtion (1t P/Ie111bc‘s 1<1rth11t 11011133 --~1hey £116" ‘1""mh only e011 llitiitetl themi LlVL's into 211eptL‘1111111l p111" 11.1111e11t: And for the 11111; 11fo YEW-"'5‘: have Illegally 11nd 211Llic101.111y 1‘111‘1111‘1ittLLl one €01" tinuetl11.111lt upon the eonltitution or the 11111‘- 1"" (10111, 21111111111311 t11e 1111611:1111111111111; Oi' ti" "131)if |