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Show AND CLAIMS OF A M E R IC A. 5'8 5?. Tits RIGHTS or BRITAIN er: That, however, they had always been, words in the Houfe of Commons, on the day the Refolution came under debate. But former demerits have been forgot, in what the American Demagogues foolifhly conflrue into prefent fervices. To thew the nature of the Propofition which the Congrefs ltigmatize with the name of an " infidious manoeuvre," fome previous facts mul't be explained. On the fecond of February, a motion was made in the Houfc of Commons, for an Addrefs to his Majel'ty, which was foon after prefentcd, llllllllfllll with the concurrence of the Lords. In this Addrefs, the two Houfes having Rated fome facts, were induced to declare, that a rebel-s lion actually exilled at that time in the Province of Maliachufetts Bay :- That this con- and always lhould be ready to pay attention and regard to any real grievances, which llionld be laid before them in a DUTIFUL and CONSTITUTIONAL manntr: That they requ tied his Mrijeliy to take the molt elfectual mealures to enfnrce due obedience to the laws and authority of the Supreme Le- gifiatuz‘e: And that they were refolved, at: the l‘raZtrd 0‘ their lives and fortunes, to fupport his Majelly againft all reheliiousat- tempts, in the maintenanCe of the Juli rights of his Majefiy and the two Houfes of Parliament. In this addrefs the two Houfes of Parliament, while they held forth the {word in one hand, evidently tendered the Olive- duct was the more inexcufable, when it was confidered with how much temper his Ma- branch with the other. The Americans themfelves were made the arhiters of their jelly and the two Books of Parliament had own fate. acted, in {uppert of the Laws and Confiitution of Great Britain: That they were refolved never fo far to defert the truf't repofed in them, as to rclinquilh ANY PART of tire SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY weer A L XL [Mir MAjes'rY's DoMrNIous, which the Law invdted in his Majefly and the two Houfes of Parliament: That the conduct of the Americans was lufiicient to convince them at the necellity cf this fupremacy and power 3' The choice of war or peace was left in their own hands. But as the offer of Parliament to lifien to the real grievances oi the Coloniils was deemed too general to form a foundation for an agreement between them and the Mother-country, the Minilter, withing to conciliate matters with America, even contrary to the opinion of many friends to this Country, laid before the Houfe of Commons tonic EXPLICIT PROPOSITIUNS, which mioht antwer that end. Accordingly! 0" D the |