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Show 1.117" :11 111111 .‘ 1' 1-3! ) 30' ) Le scln‘iowledged, that {he did this, in 3 great by means of her commercial in» ineaiure, e11:'.-.1‘11e with, and aids from the colonies which Without probably lime the muf't 1111111: 11 moie iiwlorious figure at the end, then lhc did at the heginninbg of the lalt war 1112111} intoweenie/infer of continuing it. And. the like retilons will probably operate forever tsrailnIt any act or the lame nature, and grow Iltonqe r and ltronger. It can aniwer no valuable end, for us to h-"ln)Olll (rindqes or fccret relentment on ac» the count ofredrclled and pail grievances; no his Majeliy. -- good end wantonly and grol‘sly to intuit, and; Conlider how many millions of people there thereby to incenle any partitnlar powerful in vain under the iron lceptieCof mercilels del potii'm, 1111111113 on the other1ide of*1ewate1, as the iippt'licd enemies oi the coloniCs. '10 me \t-h' o, if they V1 ereCbut impeiieClly appiil{Cd oi this leems impolitic at leal't; as it may per» tliit he, pincls we enioy, would molt tudently dwe to he in om fituntion, and to hand inthe lil 1: ltrluti n to Grteit Britain. Let us not be haps 111:1l1eliicl1 perloiiis our enemies, ifthcy etCn tho Mr. PITT himlcll {ole direéiion of it under are in other countries, had had groaning is '11ot enttrtain .1 thought of novelties or were not 11.. l'itrlore ; or, if they were, fix their enmity; :1 nd make them more indnl'trious than ever in [belting opportunities to do us mifchief. Much leis can it aniwer any good end, to all Let us {eat to triumph over the power ofParlitiment: not:ndulge to any 0toundlefsJealoufics ofill This would, in lhort, appear equally iniolent, 1111111111115 towaids us in our 11'1101l«t1‘»1.'ountij', 11 I1 stever there mayhem 1111111: d1(111111110111- dilloynl and ridiculous, in the eyes ofallllbber, i1..C-niible of our own felicity in this rcfpcéi _: iTt 1111mm ms, or he " given to Channe unprejudiced men. May God give us the w il- dixidusls, who do the devils work, by lowing: (lileoi‘d. It is for the inttre[1. ol Li'ittiin, at 7111711" 1311113111. to 1‘1. t‘11in the :11'1‘1‘1:{ion ol‘thefegrow- dom to behave outlelves with humility and in; 1:1»11111'111, r11d to trtat tl11n'1 liind ly to that 1:. «.l: 1v"2111«.ltl1i:1l1ond 1:11'i1'1tC-1eil' on her part, is in honor to to behave, not only that we 111911; l‘ruli'rate the malignant prediClions hel'ore 1'1.~ ferred to, but that we 111 try ai‘d‘wer tn C int? expectation of our friends in Britain, who to nobly Clpoulled our conic,1 111 id, as it were, pawned their own honor, I: how great and 1'11: ltroinztli li‘titil‘it'y to 11-1, which we C111 hare-inn 1y politicsl rel; tion whatever. We hon 11‘ to the King and Parliaare l1mid ti 1' it 1.111s not .or wantof 1‘1: ".7, 1.. Rhiiity to 111751.213.) :2 1:11-1:11}, and to crnlh us, that it \1':':‘; rep tilei; loot {1011.1 convitlion oi the int 2: 1;:1‘2'11 :1.j»ti1 [111.119.1111 to14139111511101, and i" E 11/2674]; moderation, on the happy {needs of our late rcmonlhances and firuggles !---We are hound lacrcd a pledwe! ) loi our good concluo, if our grievances were r'emmed. By 111111311 engagement they did us honor,1181t 111211111211 their candid andlind fetiments concerning m. |