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Show (21)hear. to lie under the imputation of being; a. eoward, an incendiary, rebel, or enemy to his, pountry ; or to have fome other odium call: upon him. In the mean time molt of the courts were (but up, and almol‘r all bufinefs brought to aftand; and, in fome colonies, wide breaches were made between their leveral Governors and Houfes OF AlTembly ; thofe governors thinking it their duty to pufh the execution of the llampw aft; and fome of them trying to prevent the al- femblies petitioning, in the joint manner propoled. In this {late of general dilbi‘der, approaching {0 near to anarchy, fome profligate people, in different parts of the continent, took an opportun of' a certain great kingdom, which has long been the fupport of other flares, the terror of her enemies, and the envy and glory ‘of‘ Europe l-«a If I had myfelf, once, fome apprehenfions of this kind, as I confest had, I was very Far from be» ing fingular therein. Inch matters, that any nation or age ever afiordv Cd, as well as one of the bel‘r men, and moli accomplilhed orators, {peaking on this point in a certain auguli aliembly, is reported to have exprelied hinifelf thus. " On a good, on a found " bottom, the force of this country can crufh " America to atoms. I know the valor ofyout " troops; I know the {kill of your officers." gt nity to gratify their private relentments, and to get money in an eafier and more expeditious way than that of labor; committing abominae ble excelles and outrages on the perfons or pro- ac perty of others. u _. What a dreadful 'i'eene was this! Who can take a curfory review of it even now, without horror, unlefs he is loli to all {enle of religion, virtue and good Order? Thefe were lome of the bitter, and in a good mealiire, the natural fruits of that unhappy meal'ure which preceeded them, Not were we wholly unapprehenlive of fomeu thing {till worfe; of having a more dreadful One of the belt judges 0? But on this ground, on the STAMP'ACT, u 5: when {0 many here will think it a crying injuliiee, lam one that will lift up my hand againli it. In fire/3 a cau/e' your fuceefs may be hazardous. AMERICA, if SHE fell, would a fall like a lirong man, would embrace the pil- cc lars of flare, and pull down the cmgflz'tutiou ‘6 along with lycr." Thus the great patron of America.'l" Even the remoteli apprehenfions ofthis kind, mull give a very fenfible pain to any American, who at once {incerely loves his own C0111}? try, and wifhes that the happy civil conflitution, icene, even a {ccne 0? blood and {laughter opened 1 the lirength and glory of Great Britain may be ll will not be particular here ; but afk you what as j" The Right Hon. WILLlAM P111, Efq;--But the author thinksit a piece of juflice due to lo great and refptflable a name, to acknowledge that he has no better authority for mentioning it on this particular oecafion, than that ofthe public prints, lately {plead over America ; giving an amount offome debates in youthink .of Britilh fiibjecis making war Jeff-lllll] {objects on this continent! ~Wl‘iat upon might this have terminated in ? l-i"erhaps in nothing leis than the ruin of. the colonies, and the downfall " " .r .r the honorable lloufe of Commons. He alio acknowledges, that this is all the authority he has fer tiling {tore odtervpa; is" :é‘rtrwards, as {rem the: 29336 illuflrieuspattiefs |