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Show Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) - Hexachlorobenzene is a possible product of incomplete combustion when chlorine is present in the combustion zone. Available data shows little or no formation of this compound. Alkylated lead compounds - Alkylated lead compounds have not been generally found in the exhaust gases from combustion equipment. N o stakeholder expressed any concern about these compounds. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) - Although PCBs are rarely encountered, some stakeholders expressed concern that they may be contained as a contaminate in wood and other combustibles. Pollution Prevention Although all stakeholders agreed that pollution prevention was important, the stakeholders disagreed upon the extent of application of pollution prevention techniques for units regulated under Section 112. Industry favored a liberal approach that considered the equipment and fuel characteristics with the pollution prevention techniques analyzed as part of the procedure below the M A C T floor. Industry also favored the concept of using pollution prevention as an alternate to reducing stack emissions. The environmental stakeholders favored a "command and control" approach that would make pollution prevention a part of every M A C T regardless of cost effectiveness and would make yearly pollution prevention planning mandatory. WORK GROUP ACCOMPLISHMENTS Boiler Work Group - The BWG presented a MACT floor recommendation for natural gas, distillate oil and residual oil fired boilers of no add on controls. The B W G presented a list of H A P s of concern for fossil fuel fired boilers. The work group developed this list through a triage that considered available emissions data, a stack gas dispersion model and compound toxicity to generate the lists. As a compromise, some compounds that would have been taken off the list based upon the triage were left on the list because of their toxicity. The B W G developed a test plan to characterize various fuels/wastes burned in boilers and a test plan to test cofiring of wood and nonfossil fuel (sludges). Combustion Turbines Work Group - The CTWG presented a MACT floor recommendation for natural gas fired turbines of no add on controls. The C T W G developed a test plan for assessing effectiveness of C O catalysts for control of organic H A P s below the floor with emphasis on formaldehyde emissions. The C T W G also performed a cost effectiveness analysis for the use of catalysts to reduce H A P s emissions from gas turbines. Incinerator Work Group - The IWG wrote a Regulatory Alternatives Paper, with input from the boiler work group, covering five (5) subcategories of incineration equipment and two (2) subcategories for boilers. The subcategories are: Miscellaneous Industrial and Commercial Waste Incinerators, W o o d and wood waste incinerators, Pathological waste incinerators and C:\jps\iccrVoverviewa 7 |