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Show DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH 123 and to build back after floods and storms, getting water back onto our crops. Another thing, our storage facilities are inadequate. We have none. At the present time we are watering with a very short supply of irrigation water. If we can have a full supply, knowing that what we plant we will be able to harvest, the extra we will pay will be very minor, to the benefits that we will get. Mr. JOHNSON. YOU are saying, in effect, then, that the proposed cost for irrigation water per acre- foot doesn't bother you because at the present time you are probably spending more money and getting a very inadequate supply of water ? Mr. WILSON. That is right. Mr. DUNCAN. Are you a farmer ? Mr. WILSON. Yes, sir; I am a farmer. Mr. DUNCAN. What do you raise ? Mr. WILSON. The day before I left I was picking cherries and apricots. Then I have other types of fruit. I raise sugarbeets, alfalfa, and silage. Mr. DUNCAN. I noticed in some of the statements that I was reviewing here that you have a saltcedar problem on these rivers- phreatophytes. There is some suggestion that these phreatophytes will somehow be eliminated and reduce the lost flow into Lake Mead. Does a part of this project include clearing of these saltcedars, these nonproductive plants ? Mr. WILSON. I think it will come mostly by diversion of the water. The water will be diverted to ground that will be irrigated and will not go into the present stream, where they are using the water. Mr. DUNCAN. The storage of the water in these reservoirs and the use for productive purposes will so reduce the flow below the dams that there will be a smaller quantity of water available to these saltcedars; is that right ? Mr. WILSON. That's right. Mr. DUNCAN. There is no plan in your area to destroy them ? Mr. WILSON. If there is any destruction of them, it will be to utilize the ground for better purposes, and they will not have the interference, then, of high and uncontrolled floodwater. Mr. DUNCAN. That is all. Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Skubitz ? Mr. SKUBITZ. I have no questions, Mr. Chairman, except that I want to welcome Mr. Wilson here. It is good to have you with us. Mr. WILSON. Thank you. Mr. JOHNSON ( presiding). Mr. White. Mr. WHITE. Mr. Wilson, you have indicated you grow sugarbeets. Mr. WILSON. Sugarbeet seeds. Mr. WHITE. Are there any sugarbeets raised in your area for sugar production ? Mr. WILSON. No. Mr. WHITE. It is not contemplated under this project that any acreage would be utilized for the production of sugarbeets? Mr. WILSON. NO. |