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Show DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH 49 • and the type of agriculture that we are now working in. There : also is another reason why we call it the Dixie project. It is the Virgin Uiver, and you wouldn't want to do with the Virgin River what we ; are talking of with the Dixie pro j ect. Thank you. Mr. ROGERS. Thank you, Mr. Wilson, for your testimony and for your pecans. Mr. Milk Jolly, executive secretary of the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Jolly. Mr. BURTON. Mr. Chairman. Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Burton. Mr. BURTON. It is my understanding Mr. Jolly is appearing in his • own behalf but also representing Mr. Gardiner, of Cedar City, and Mr. Arnold Anderson who is president of the Cedar City Chamber of Commerce. Am I correct ? Mr. JOLLY. Correct. I'd like to excuse our mayor. He is one of these ranchers, and I understand he is out hauling water to his cattle now. Mr. ROGERS. Mr. Jolly, the Chair will recognize you in all three5 capacities. STATEMENT OF MILLS JOLLY, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, CEDAR, CITY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. JOLLY. Thank you. And also I am a Yankee. I'm from up north here at Iron County. However, we are 100 percent behind this Dixie project, because we feel definitely that this is going to be a tremendous asset to the overall area of southern Utah, and; as many of us mentioned here tonight, we feel that this will be the playground of Western United States; and we feel this will play a big part in it. I won't take any more time, but, however, we have a resolution and I will just leave it here. Mr. Wilson was going to present this from the five- county area, which again they are 100 percent behind the Dixie project, and this consists of Iron County, Beaver County, Kame County, and Washington County, and also we have a resolution here from the members of the chamber of commerce. So, I will leave these. And with that we thank you and hope you can see it < deemable topass on this. ( The resolution referred to follows:) ^ RESOLUTION PASSED BY THE BOARD OP DIRECTORS OF THE CEDAR CITY CHAMBER OV COMMERCE, OCTOBER 2, 1963 Whereas the Dixie project will generate electric power in excess of the requirements of preference customers in southwestern Utah ; and Whereas the transmission of Dixie project power to preference customers at jremote locations from southwestern Utah would be costly to the Bureau of Re- tclamation thus having an adverse effect on the rate of payoff of the project; and Whereas it is likely that the price of Dixie project power will be below the wholesale market price of power in the southwestern Utah area; and Whereas nonpreference customers in Iron and Washington Counties are served Iby California- Pacific Utilities Co.; and Whereas this company is willing to purchase all Dixie project power not re- > quired iby rpower suppliers with preference status: Therefore be it Resolved, That Congress be urged to provide for area rather than normal preference in the Dixie project bill so that all power generated by the project may be imarketed in southwestern Utah. Whereas the electrical generating capacity of the Dixie project will exceed the • requirements of preference customers in southwestern Utah; and |