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Show DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH 31 But of real national significance is the fact that without this or some alternative similar development, there simply is no way to stop the great amount of wasteful use of water along and in the channel of the Virgin River. Vegetation, estimated to cover many acres of river bottom channel, and evaporation will continue to waste this precious commodity without river control. The U. S. Government and the people of our Southwestern States are expending large sums of money to eradicate phreatophyte use of water. This needed Dixie project, when built, will automatically include salvage from these water wasters. I appreciate this opportunity to appear before you and I hope you will favorably consider this project which is so badly needed by the people of Utah and which will be of benefit to many people below the project area. Now, in regard to the comment that was referred to me, the question was the salinity problem, is not an artificial creation by this project. The salinity is already in the water. There will be some concentration, there is no question, but there is also some better regulation provided for the people below. There is also some money set up within the project to take care of some kind of relief which is not yet foreseen, as far as I know. But, whether there is or whether there is not, there are many benefits to this project. There is no artificial increase in the salinity, it is simply a natural prospective phenomena on any of the streams in the United States where there is consumptive use along the stream. I thank you. Mr. ROGERS. Thank you, Mr. Bingham. Do you have a question, Mr. Skubitz? Mr. SKUBITZ. One question. How much money has been set aside ? Mr. CRIDDLE. I don't have the figure, but I am informed it is about $ 2 million. Mr. SKTJBITZ. Will that be paid back by the users ? Mr. CRIDDLE. Yes, that is included in the project costs. Mr. ROGERS. Thank you very much, Mr. Criddle, for your testimony. Let the Chair make this observation. Now, we know you are all for this project. We appreciate your applause of these witnesses, but I think in the interest of time if we hurry along without it it will be very helpful, and we will just assume that after each one testifies that you are for him. Our next wtiness is Mr. Leo P. Harvey, president of the Utah Association of Soil Conservation Districts- no, Mr. Harold Wallace, I'm sorry. I skipped over Mr. Wallace here inadvertently, president of the Utah Water Users Association. Mr. Wallace. STATEMENT OF HAROLD WALLACE, PRESIDENT OF THE UTAH WATER USERS ASSOCIATION Mr. WALLACE. Mr. Chairman, I had no idea that I would be called upon to make any remarks here this evening. I was invited here; I came to listen. However, as president of the Utah Water Users Association I wish to state that the Utah Water Users Association includes all of the counties of the State of Utah. It also includes the principal industries of the State of Utah bGth north and south end. It also includes the canal companies, the irrigation companies, and many other private interests as members of the Utah Water Users Association. For a number of years the Utah Water Users Associa- |