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Show DIVISIONS FORESTRY STATE LANDS WATER RESOURCES OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION STATE OF NEVADA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Canon City July 31, 1953 Charles E. Corker, Deputy Attorney General, Colorado River Litigation, Room 302, 1095 Market Street, San Francisco 3, California. Dear Mr. Corker: This is in reply to your communication of the 21st wherein you asked this office to furnish certain information regarding the dates when certain certificates were issued and also the dates when certain proofs of appropriation were filed. As I stated to you on the phone, the dates when the certificates were issued under permits, or when a proof of appropriation is filed, has no significance whatsoever as regards to priority. In order that there will be no confusion, I am setting opposite the certificates and proof numbers the dates issued, and also the date of priority: Nevada Exh. No. 8 Cert. No. Date Issued Priority 1153 Oct. 30, 1925 1914 1408 May 23, 1928 1920 4509 April 3, 1957 1926 4485 February 14, 1957 1940 3611 May 1, 1951 1946 3509 September 21, 1950 1950 Nevada Exh. No. 15-A 4481 January 22, 1957 1947 4555 July 3, 1957 1947 3839 August 22, 1952 1948 4016 January 25, 1954 1948 4017 January 25, 1954 1948 3911 February 20, 1953 1948 3738 January 21, 1952 1948 3942 April 10, 1953 1948 4121 August 2, 195^ 1949 4123 October 21, 1954 1952 4306 February 16, 1956 1952 HUGH A. ¦ HAMSKRalR. DiUCCTOH aCONOK HARDMAN, ASSISTANT DimcTOM ADDUSS HPLY TO STATC OFPICK «UILDIN« rHONZ ¦HABIT! I 1X1 CHARLU H. RUIIELL OOVIUMOK |
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Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : |