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Show COLLEGIATE LIFE <br><br> We (the Freshies) suggest that Possum Davis use our new patent pneumatic razor which has a current of air strong enough to blow away the whiskers. Now the Freshies claim that salary. <br> On the 22nd of January the Freshie girls assembled at the home of Marjorie Whiteley. They went for a good time and they certainly had it. <br> Some of the Collegiate girls celebrated New Year with Mrs. Chung on the 30th of January. <br> At the table one evening we were talking of one of the girls being a genius. Just then this girl remarked that she was very hungry. Pearl, who heard the remark, asked if a person had to be a genius to eat. Ralph, one of our bright Prep students, said: "You have to be around here." <br><br> Skilled Labor. <br> On one occasion a professor was expostulating with a student for idleness, when the latter said, "Well, it's of no use finding fault, I was cut out for a loafer." "Well," replied the professor, surveying him critically from head to foot, "whoever cut you out understood his business." <br><br> He (timidly)-"Miss Peachly-er-Clara, do you think you would care if I called you by your first name?" <br> She-"Oh, no, and er-I don't believe I should mind if my friends had the right to call me by your last name." <br><br> Send your Boy or Girl to the <br> SALT LAKE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE <br> "The school that makes men and women" <br> NEW BUILDINGS ABOVE THE SMOKE LINE <br><br> ATHLETICS <br> Baseball was got under way Friday, February 3rd, with the appointment, by the council, of Jack Allen as manager. Monday, the 6th, the boys held a meeting and elected Possum Davis as captain. <br> Regular practice will begin as soon as the weather clears up for good, but in the meantime let every fellow get out at noon and at the close of school to limber up that arm and get that hand toughened. Work will begin immediately upon the field, and by the opening of the season we will have a line on a bunch of players that will do the school proud. <br> There has got to be more interest taken in baseball by the school as a whole than there was in football. Three or four players cannot make a team, it requires at least two teams to form a good school team. Whether you make the first team or not does not make any difference, you are out for the good of the school and not for private glory. <br> The man who is out every night for hard practice on the second team, is doing as much good for the school as any member of the first team. It doesn't matter if you have never played before, get out and learn how, you'll never learn any younger. <br><br> The Shurtleff - Ensign Co. <br> EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS <br> SUGAR HOUSE <br> Just arrived direct from Switzerland, as swell a line of White Goods, Embroideries and Muslin Underwear as any one would wish to see. Not a pattern but the newest and we guarantee our prices to be less than the high rents uptown will possibly permit. <br><br> The Shurtleff - Ensign Co. <br> EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS <br> SUGAR HOUSE <br><br> |