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Show ( 455 ) INDEX. AB::.Ol:tPTION. A. ABSOHPTION by Dionma, 2D5 --by Drosera, 17 --by Drosophyllum, 337 -- hy Pinguicula, 381 --by glandular hairs, R4:4 --by glands of Utricularia, 416, 421 -- by quadri:fids of Utricularia, 413, 421 -- by Utricularia montnna, 437 Aeid~ nature of, in digestive seeretion of Drosera, 88 -- present in digeBtive tiuid of various species of Drosera, Dionma, Dro:::;opliyllum, a11d Pinguicula, 278, 301, 339, 381 Acids, various, action of, on Drosern, 188 -- of the acetic series replacing hydrochloric in digestion, 89 --, arsenious and chromic, action on Drosera, 185 --, diluted, inducing negative osmose, 197 Adder's poison, action on Drosera, 206 A~gregation of protoplasm in Drosera, 38 -- in Drosera induced by salts of ammonia, 43 --.---caused by small doses of carbonate of ammonia, 145 -- of protoplasm in Drosera, a reflex action, 242 -- -- in various species of Drosera, 278 ---- in Dionooa, 290, 300 AlHl\iO~IA. Aggregation of protopla m in Drosophyllum, 337, 339 -- -- in Pinguicub., 370, 38fl -- -- in Utric.ularia, 411, ·11!>. 429, 430, 436 Albumen, digested by Drosera., 92 - -,liquid, action on Drosera, 79 Alcohol, diluted, action of, on Dro-sera, 78, 216 Aldrovanda vesiculosa, 321 --, absorption and dige:::;tion by, 325 --, varieties of, 329 Algoo, aggregation in fronds of, (j!) Alkalie:::;, arrest digestive process ill Drosera, 94 Aluminium, salts of, action on Dro:Sera, 184 Ammonia, amount of, in rain water, 172 --, carbonate, action on heated leaves of Drosem, G9 --, --, smallness of doses caui::iing aggregation in Drosera, 1 <15 --, --, its action on Dros re~, 141 --, --,vapour of, absorbed by glands of Drosera, 142 --, --, smallness of doses cau:-;ing inflection in Drosera, 145, 168 --, phosphate, sma11ness of do Ol::i caul5ing inflt:ction in Drosera, 153, 168 --, --,size of particles affecting Drosera, 173 --, nitrate, smallness of dose::; causing inflection in Drosera, 148, 168 --, salts of, action on Drosera, 136 |