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Show 190 DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA. CHAP. VIII. as that of most of the foregoing saline solutions. In 2 hrs. 30m. some of the leaves were considerably, and in 6 hrs. 30 m. all were immensely, inflected, as were their blades. Tho surrounding fluid was sUghtly coloured pink, which always .shows that the leaves have been injured. They were then left In water for three days; but they remained inflected and were evidently killed. Most of the glands had become colourless. Two leaves were then immersed, each in thirty minims of one part to 1000 of water ; in a few hours there was some inflection; and after 24 hrs. both leaves had almost all their tentacles and blades inflected ; they were left in water for three days, and one partially ro-expanded and recovered. Two loaves were next immersed, each in thirty minims of one part to 2000 of water ; this produced very little effect, except that most of the tentacles close to the summit of the petiole were inflected, as if the acid had been absorbed by the cut-of!' end. - Jfydrochloric Acid.-One part to 437 of water; four leaves were immersed as before, each in thirty minims. After 6 hrs. only one leaf was considerably inflected. After 8 hrs. 15 m. one had its tentacles and blade well inflected; the other three were moderately inflected, and the blade of one slightly. The surrounding fluid was not coloured at all pink. After 25 hrs. ·three of these four leaves began to re-expand, but their glands were of a pink instead of a red colour; after two more days they fully re-expanded; but the fourth leaf remained inflected, and seemed much injured or killed, with its glands white. Four leaves were then treated, each with thirty minims of one part to 875 of water; after 21 hrs. they Wffi'e moderately inflected; and on being transferred to water, fully re-expanded in two days, and seemed quite healthy. 1-fydr·'iodic Acid.-One to 437 of water; throe leaves wore immersed as before, each in thirty minims. After 45 m. the glands were discoloured, and the surrounding fluid became pinkish, but there was no inflection. After 5 hrs. all tho tentacles were closely inflected; and an immense amount of mucus was secreted, so that the fluid could be drawn out into long ropes. The leaves were then placed in water, but never re-expanded, and were evidently killed. Four loaves wore next immersed in one part to 875 of water; the action was now slower, but after 22 hrs. all four leaves were closely inflected, and were affected in other respects as above described. These leaves did not re-expand, though left for fonr days in water. This acid acts far more powerfully than hydrochloric, and is poisonous. [odic .Acid.-One to 437 of water; three leaves were immersed, CHAP. VIII. THE EFFEUTS OF ACIDS. 191 each in thirty minims ; after 3 hrs. strong inflection; after 4 hrs. glands dark brown; after 8 hrs. 30m. close inflection, and the leaves had become flaccid; surrounding :fluid not coloured pink. TheRe leaves were then placed in water and next day were evidently dead. ' i:iulphu.Tic Acicl.-Onc to 437 of water; four leaves were immerse~, each in thir:y minims; after 4 hrs. great inflection; after 6 !1rs. surroundmg fluid just tinged pink; they wBre then placed In water, and after 46 hrs. two of them were still closely inflected, two beginning to re-expand ; many of the glands colourless. This acid is not so poisonous as hydriodic or iodic acids. PhosphaTic Acid.-One to 437 of water; three leaves were immersed together in ninety minims ; after 5 hrs. 30 m. some inflection, and some glands colourless; after 8 hrs. all the tentacles closely inflected, and many glands colourless; surrounding fluid pink. Left in water for two days and a half, remained in the same state and appeared dead. Boracic Acid.-One to 437 of water; four leaves were immersed together in 120 minims; after 6 brs. very slight inflection; after 8 hrs. 15m. two were considerably inflected, the other two slightly. After 24 hrs. one leaf was rather closely inflected, the second less closely, the third aud fourth moderately. The leaves were washed and put into water; after 24 hrs. they were almost fully re-expl!Lnded and looked healthy. This acid agrees closely with hydrochloric acid of the same strength in its power of causing inflection, and in not being poisonous. Formic Acid.-Four learves were immersed together in 120 minims of one part to 437 of water; after 40 m. slight, and after 6 hr~ . 00 m. very moderate inflection; after 22 hrs. only a little more inflection than often occurs in water. Two of the leaves were then washed and placed in a solution (1 gr. to 20 oz.) of phosphate of ammonia; after 24 hrs. they were considerably inflected, with the contents of their cells aggregated, showing that the phosphate had acted, though not to the full and ordinary degree. Acet/c Acid.-Four leaves were immersed together in 120 minims of one part to 437 of water.· In 1 hr. 20m. the tentacles of all four and the blades of two were greatly inflected. After 8 hrs. the leaves hacl become flaccid, but still remained closely . inflected, the surrounding fluid being coloured pink. T.hey were then washed and placed in water; next morning they were still inflected and of a very dark red colour, but with their glands colourless. After another <lay they were dingy-coloured, and ,J j I I |