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Show 428 UTRICULARIA VULGARIS. CnAr. XVII. and 1nore horizontal pair; the four too-ether forrn inO' a p rfcct quadrifid. A trace of t.he primary ~livisi on b two n the two lls on th summ1 ts of the pa p1ll· can still be seen betw en the bases of the longer pro css s. The development of the quadrifids is very liabl? to be arr steel. I have seen a bladder 5 \r of an 1nch in 1 ngth including only primordial papillm; and another bladder, about half its full size, with tho quadrifids in an early stage of dcvclo1:ment. As far as I could make out, the b1ficl processes are d veloped in tho same 1~anner as . the quadrjfids, xcepting that the two pn~ary ter~1nal cells n~~or b come divided, and only Increase 1n length. I he glands on the valve and collar .apr ear at so earl y an age that I could not trace thou d velopmcnt ; but we may reasonably suspect that t~ey are dcv loped fron1 papillro like those on the outs1 ~e _of th~ bl adder, but with their terminal cells not d1 v1ded 111 to two. The two segments forming the pedic ls of the glands probably answ r t the. conical p~otubcrance and short f otstalk of the g uadnfid and b1fid processes. I am strenothened in th belief that the glands arc develop~ d from papillm like t~ose o~ the ~utsidc of ~he bladd rs, from the fact that 1n Utrrwular~a anwthyst,~na the glan ls ext nd along the whole ventral surface of the bladd r close to the footstalk. UTRICULARIA VULGARIS. LivinO' plants from Yorkshire were sent me by Dr. IIool~er. This sp~cies differs from the last in the stems and lea vcs bomg thicker or coarser; their divisions form a more acute anglo with one another; the notches on tho leaves bear throe .or four short bristles instead of one ; and tho blad.dc~·s are twiCe as large, or about 5 of an inch (5·08 mm.) in diamet?r. r.n all essential respects the bladders resemble those of ~tnculan.tt neglecta, but tho sides or the peristome arc perhaps a httlo more CnAl'. XVII. UTRICULARIA. MINOR. 429 prominent, and always bear, as far as I have seen seven or eight long multicellular bri stles. There are eleven lo~g bristles on each anton~a! the terminal pair being included. Five bladd.ers, contaimng prey of some kind, were examined. The first Included five Cypris, a large copepod and a Diaptomus · the second, four Cypr~s; tho third, a single rat.her large crus~ tacean ; ~he fourth, SIX crustaceans ; and the fifth, ten. My son exam~ned the quadrifid processes in a bladder containing tho r?mains ?f two crustaceans, and found some of them full of spher10al or Irregularly E:hapcd masses of matter, which were observed to move and to coalesce. These masses therefore consisted of protoplasm. U TRICULARIA MINOR. This rare sp~cics was sent me in a living state from Cheshire, through tho k1ndness of Mr. John Price. The leaves and bladders are much smalJer than those of llt1·icularia neglecta. The leaves bear fewer and shorter bristles, and the bladders are more globular. The antenm.e, instead of projecting in front of the bladders, are curled under the valve, and are armed with twelve or fourteen extremely long multicellular bristles, generally arranged in pairs. These, with seven or eight long bristles on both sides of the peristome, form a sort of net over the valve, which would tend to prevent all animals, excepting very small ones, entering the bladder. The valve and collar have the same essential Fra. 25. structure as in the two previous ( ut,·icularia minor-.) species; but the glands are not Qundrifid process ; greatly enlarged. quite so numerous; the oblong ones are rather more elongated, whilst the two-armed ones are rather less elongated. The four bristles which project obliquely from the lower edge of the valve are shm·t. Their shortness, compared with those on the valves of the foregoing species, is intelligible if my view is correct that they serve to prevent t.o o. la. rge .a nimals forcing an entrance through the valve ' thus InJuring It; for the valve is already protected to a certain extent by the incurved antennre; together with the lateral bristles. The bifid processes are like those in the· previous species; but the quadrifids differ in the four arms (fig. 25) |