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Show ‘3‘ Ny but fi\mfe Y% pfom Wells - Rains. There's a miftake Wood. Did not you come t .tea(nnlha\;em‘m! 8 Madam, hear it out meet a Lady of my Acquaintanc Bew. 1receiv'd a Challenge from you, there 'tis Wood. romme ? I fent none. Ha, this muft b ‘ Imu{\, Madap, B Wife more, I am refolv'd. Ladie ‘: O be gng o ; and Gentlemen, do me the favour to go in o my Lodgings wit - WWorth me, and you fhall fee I will behaye my {elf p ike a man of Honour, and doubt not but to have al] your app B M W obations Rains. What does he mean Lyc. Come, let's in [Exennt Enter Bisk. and Fribble in the Hall ( : Waited ficendy _ Bisk. A deucetake Mr. Cuffand Mr. Kick for loc ing us up I'le take him up roundly for't to morrow : it's well hi - took pity on us, and releas'd us satalye toeyouff 5 [ dare meet you Frib. Well,Iam foloving inmy drink, I'le go t bed to m Dear, and forgive her all Bisk. 1 can hold out no longer, T'le go to bed and m avedt you, Sit. [ eace with my Bird, there's no fuch peace as tha concluded be Iy fuls and i di[m'a; tweena pair of fheets Prithee, Neighbour, go you firft gently into her Chamber, and try to appeafe her, a little to prepa - my way i Frib. Well, I'le venture a Broken-head for you once Bisk, Gently, gently Frzbh. "Sdeath, what do I fee | [ Peeps in Bisk. Be not afraid, man, what's the matter Frib. Mr. Kick is ina very indecent pofture upon the Be with your Wife Bisk peeps in. "Slife what doyou fay? Oh, 'tis true, tistrue rend if Ra 1 g hould go in, he'd grow delperate at th ot 2 finetrickupors his bufine ' Frib . my Jad Bisk Frip er, 5"1 oot I'd maul her, if I (hould find her at it 1will, I will, comealong with me, Neighbour Stay but aminute till I fee how my poor Rogue does clean.sh data import.tsv out README and I'le go with yous I beat her damnably, and am very forr keep) ol Y Oud 'd' | . Bisk. Oh make hafte, make hafte e ba,d J 0?) b‘;%%ou% Frib |