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Show Epfo Wells 4 Enter Bevil in 4 Field Bev. Carolina write to me to meet her alone She's ver frank3 let me fee, fhe (ays meet me alone, that we may freel confer about an affair which nearly concerns us both 'Sdeat I have dropt my Letter, unlucky accident, I muft go back for't Icannot now, fhe'shere LEnter Mrs. Woodly di[guis'd ‘I'is a folitary place, and Thope no body will find it Mrs. Wood. Ah falfe wretch! how punctual he is Bev Ah my dear Carolin Mrs. Wood. Ah my curfed Bewil [ Afide Bev. I have not words enough to acknowledge and than you for this favour Mrs. Wood jary Nor I words enough to.upbraid you for this in L 4frde Bev. How now, what is the dumb? Madam, you {ee ho confcientious I am in my duty of affignation; you fhall alway find me a man of Honour Mrs.wood.Yes,I thank you,you're aman of Honor. [annsasks ,,, Bew. 'Sdeath Mrs. i7oodly ! how unlucky is this, the'l {ta too, and prevent my meeting with Caroliza; Iamundone muft conceal the Intrigue Nothing but impudence can brin me off [ Afide Mis. Wood. Unworthy man Bev. Youdo well, pray who was this aflignation made to I can watch your private haunts, you {ee, Madam Mrs. Wood Bev We f(hall foon fee your Lover here Mrs. wood have bee Woma Are you.paft all enfe of modefty Have I caught you Ifuppofe and do you:accuf me as virtuous and as conftant to my [ntrigue as an breathing: have I not had as many. Addrefle made t me by the fine perfons of the Town & Court as any Lady has? Bew And haverefus'd astew 1'le (ay that for you Mrs. #ood. Have I not deny'd all to b Bew. Gad [ hate conftancy 10 a Woman elpecially inaft impertinent one, as much a tane Ague [ 4fde conftant to you after a little whil conftancy in a Quag l\yll o 2 II'['/‘O ('fu |