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Show A CURE forth: 8? 2:: isnnwconfirmedhy,P.1I.1'1mcn., afl. (.1151V11-An0'I'mit 33,1izzin, they are entitled to theenjoyment oftheirr31101011, ..-(.I1(1.11: ACURE for the SPLEETIJ. h" 11 1e Kin" as the governor is, brings them ton much nearer retemh 1"(nee to the name (If .'1.01(is-; .018 1iidcs, both council andgnries are now upon 01(11211V' the. lame {noting as they me in i‘.‘ (IV 11;: 0‘ I151 1e Ne '.v V (111.: 22ml; 1] the fbnthern (10w.- rn- mr' IIts, 21111112111 th (I \V.( 11india lflands, to that if thii. make s 'CS Haves, ail thofe other novernm-z: ntr, as well as rinoland, Iez'hit‘v'fj1)Cf.'!l,iia\(‘S--A-3.n1 the {"1113 may he 0hE116 --I112 3 paI/H‘.III his gtIr'vrin(‘.ran(11 L‘FiC-‘ES, for(11e C111) is jm‘l Li1e1'..mein (Ill 1‘1113' ( governments; and inll nyiand 11'.V:I.'V\IIVI,1;11"111'.I.H re-peets the ind"I (Is-«and if WI. 1001‘.tuck tC.'Ier.:crtiir1eH, and confiderhownnr COHH' :11 was. gttuate1. flsz‘m. Line a turnip he IV (I( 11 two trenc hers. {'.‘/fury. L.;.I.'Ltle, ...'1nn:1'i It/1 be Cilnmu (1 eithe r by the gm V'Prnor (11' the 110012, it the} (mend either 21111 110Ivmi1eral1v 0111' inclines have heen phui, 21111:. how (hpe nden: they :11er WV‘I'I 1‘1 {Ion Dot.1 (he (Ioverner andthe] 1116, we mtr.i; lee the \Vnduni 01 both (hele a1te1..t100< ; and when we ene «101,1 C.' :11;It 11.1310" 112.111 hiyhly appmve of,at1d rejoi ‘e i'i (113:1: [.11 as to jw'ie, the lame p'iVIilege of bein g tried by our (011..1I.'y..1;n, ;. left tons-1.11.1 the 1113:1100' 0.(ho oiino them i. {n h as 1(1I10 e-xpe; ien c has 1.):'ove1 to be the befl; and IIt. atended 114.11 any 111112110113C()11. {"I.}U€n(‘€.‘i. . 1.1/1. ‘.‘. ('11, (4,11. '1 you 11111.1. Liir',t11(Iiethzn(I.H we re 1110130111; 311':th 11v ("10.11 CH (0111.: ('(1unIry, 31110110 our.(' th35.I ('.n',0. i‘<r11,ia 13 (1(1' own 1111,111111e11I e01111nét,has {hew n i".1\11‘IC :II1.,I;:'.1i'I neat the iie(.1n.VI(11theh: altei'e .t1(311:', and thcyl1'.V'(I(0n( it for our gown. luff \.11v there 5 .‘1:( Q1(:.(Ie-Li11' (011'1' you (1. 11}: they 1.1 (ml (0 111.112 111 Lip-1.5 1(1' 11 e Loflun miniliei 1::id as iw-w they did,- and 0.11; (-1 (1:; 1.12111 that would 11'L tum P219111, V1.09 101.15}: 111;: quad. Slaw/v '1'112It1'in1‘10n mini-(Tar, aswcll as fume others, I'm {wry to .10 it his 11.11011 (0 nnIfwer for-he knows better~~ 114' ngeqe'. 11111 can 01 n1(';'( (Iii-Ct ( '.1r (ivil 01' 101i ions liberu than, than the 1111's or tie-114ml Cnl]---\\'l".'df parii wnent 1.:1: :- 21': is r10 n'env than they VI. e1e bound to (1'0 11', every rule .( equity r1110 erInI 10("1 jui't: :( ; lhe Canadians {urrendered 22m." (‘r:1u1t 1'} to his Brimnnh MV~11yuuponexprefs condition, 2""1(1nr-I(:I11.I.that they fimuhl CthV ((I11(e¢IVe1e11' '1" the}: 133101;, '..-1115; Latin5 end th'1t '.hey 1.10111 (1 have ;~._ Roman (1111."fie L(11:0p, to bcapn'(1(.\'e 011W tlI. kinge‘" 01an ;1~ 1108 W'1'. one HI"icle of ti I (:1',I1(11.10011, ('.‘;‘pic'nV "-{IIL'‘(1 to in the '.Iczm'ral to when) thv. 1111'. e.1duezl---t11is er-g't;:.~1ne11t u.I" to the 11111 extent and meaning of this agreement, (1r t.1e1r country 011011: to he r611. )1"d t0 the1n--and if the Englim oo- V'ernment iiitended to.:0...p1y wit ..theirtermso. capitnl'it on, ought they no: to give them the fullelt aflurzinee or it, by confirming theml1w an act? Surely, it Parliunent is to he blame For?my t11ii.g,itlhou1d feem to be 1".Ithe:',thatthey have not (Iuieted the minds of the Canadians, by giving (1)6111 this affurance heme-"for we mnt't reI111211.11 er, that then religion is (is dear to them, as ours is to ns,aand they have theihm: right to wro (hip God, in the way tI 1(Iy thi. 11: rig it' (11.twc claim for onrhlV(‘o->t11' I have p1:Indiees of education (01215.13 them, as we h vs; nmi they11:12.- (11.11 own natural under- flandings, and their pr ietts to amide theme5 we have,- 2111.! they have an eqn:11 rivht with us to the benefit of the gofpvl rule, " D0 to (nhers as ye anI' 1d they 111011101 do (1'11‘0 V‘un. " And wec.11IIu1d (10 weil to 1e111ezn (:er that, " \v1.n'...1.1t 1113... (me we mete. it {11211 be mea. 1. red unto us again. -1nlll:0rt, the only principles upon which l‘ariiainen (.m be 311;!"I‘((1"1 thisinllanee, meentiielV del‘t:uCtiVC 0f alliibertyc {(0111icence; a'nd1n point ofcon.m( 11 julhe, and' he faith of 11"11011: they can be found fault with,only upon [1']? ninlevoltnt, unjull, diabolical pennon, I‘I1.1:"1",(30d 1011111 1%[Chan's111(1I11Iicvir adopt, tlnit no tznthis ever to be hep: with 1:"- :ericl:V. -- A to the dsn'ier arilIntI ((I out 1'(.1i(Ii-.1r.-, 1.1.11. this act. itis 2: .1Ize bugbear, tailed to ditttn'b VI.'.1(I:(1; 111 I1 is: {01 ne-thizzI; Car. 1.: \ more egregioufly 21bfi11'(1t.:1n to inltr, that bee. 'e11-;'.«.i.. 7 nn(11.1rlttr"r'.(n( .. the pl?indieta 6? (1' {Min (1 ' 71d hIIIII;I nity have (0:11311 Id with their 1.10.1 ' : . mtade.1'. the 11' General, .11.11 upon I11: :ztith of which, ..‘n e.\tenhI.e(.‘LiuI'ry has been furrencle reul (hot.em, th.‘.t thruetore the hI210 inte-115 to violatehis corona tieno.1t11,aand breahtthro' the I.()..~.l.[1().'1 upon which he 1.0'd0 his crown ; 2.1141.I' ‘1;I.tt he L<1I'(1V"1.I1(1C0.In» 1110115, cotIu'tcd hr :1 .111 (rts ofII1101:111.1,aIeI111113'1gi11t111Is impohth, 1n.(.uit0n'-., moiilheenI".-~(((1IVI.'II'11(1‘.tz'. andmaketheprexentuHe (If the\ t11e1‘.:no or L"rel" ‘.3 dunm, O!!!"U i ' {11C EVAUT'TCEYLI."(limp/[r("‘11 1.2‘ UDUIII C(1 11(..t101.,I(11(I. IV": {11011.3( (1:.me (II.:1' own r::1.;;.«>r'1, 111:1 Che-'1': ("31'0an min:tte.s :13 WC lI.;IIJ shine {10% the (1111101.: (lenient '.l the C'Oui‘itly to this time' a11-(Zi1'IlI "(uh General 113" 'IIIICfid to t11..', (23' Ceneml (4.113.213 (1.31 to their term»; 3.11.1 |