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Show A 1-4, A‘ LURE {or the SPLEEN. 9'17)". 8/2/1175. CURE forth: PI E1313. 0 temporal 0 11101031 From the forecoing 1110'.\'0It1'.e.1...ttcr, iI attend- (11611011 of pa1l1;.111ent over u1,was openly an<1 expli: 1tly claimtd'; 3111d ar1'1111,t1\1enty-11111e years beIore,' and :h1311 in C. to, every p1e11. 13131.1 man 1111111 1:11: C011vinC{(1,th'.'.t an ex- the Chaiter 11.1311, th11' {upre 111eju1'11111121101115 exprefsl 1/ 11:19:1- ved;;111dfoury'1ars after it IS 2.1mm confirmed111 the 1110115 com/113.1 to our aflcmblybyimplieation, that 0.1 the can trarv, poiitivc terms. and all gum-1110111 bound by an oath to 180 it Britilh Parliament, is moft firongly an dc early implied-111111.. inbmittt (1 to. Nov. ,1111111 \1'CC'011I'1dC1' this Claim,openl1' and renca Cdlymadc,1113111113,:1t,:11111111111Ct111telyattc1 thcmnnti11{r and 311.113}1111'31 OIthe Ch.11'ter,i‘. the Charter C:n be Vicw'd inth1': light of; 1.0111111a, 13 not this evidently one eflcn rial 2.1121(1601 1111: 21111361111'111' 011 01111.11rt, 11a1'11cly,t1 .1t we 11111lac- knowled -':2111: {11111111ttotheiurifdiét1011oiparlianicntf {1'18 plain we .1dep'1' t'.'21:Cl1;'1"ttr KDCICX‘ this :0nd1-t1011. How/(111111 cr1nt11_1s.}withthel1.1:111(1t11't.1"t1'uth,becallet. a new ert1111. I131flpcczalV,1.vl11c11. ti 151-2311: ofp:1rliam311t,has not on1y th11 tm 11111y1y claimed, but11:15 11c:-11 all along exertiI-C ., .11 "av 110115 inthmcet, andw' .11: :111y0ppoI1.1tor1, denialo1 (lustli on on 0111 1a1t- 51.1113 1111. 111111..' to be the cafe111Ia13.--Io1', Iron! the time oI our C.':;.r1':1', in every 161111111, a&.onparJllzirr101'1_ have been C01111m1131y r1111: .‘. , impairing) dutie ,and for r1: «dilating the tra:11', 111anu;ait11's: andilltC'.‘ 1‘19'1. '1C111111 C11t 21nd opo C ofthis and the ot1c1 coloniC3;--2111's , (.11ties hate been 1mi'o'1'C1 211111 11.9.aiduupon It)"11, rum, 111101211118, CCheC, w1:‘.35, 311'. a.'..1 011 :11-3 othcz' 11311.11, bountie. 31.1111 1;1r('17‘11.1ms have bCen grmted(111 11.11.2011 21715135menu-13111111110 15, and the 111111311111": 0111.11, by Itzttino mills, 11.1;‘1set11' . lated arid:'e'11';1i11d"---wool 1.101.1‘11te..110111 11 C11 r' 11..1t1*r b11111 "411.3 poit- 0I11CC e1C:tcd~-th1: rates of co:. CR.1..1111hC(1-~-fllc c111t111101p111c tree' 1'1'0.l'1ib1th-~la1us11adelrw '.'hepnj,1- cluhve, Iupreme power of legiflutio , is I0 far from being their Itdwordination to the 111preme legifldive. .1111111'r1ty oI the Cl'l'll 1er, and has been repeatedly and exp1CIsly claim? and exerCiIed by parliament, and tacitlyaclmtrx1ledged ando111.1.:d'ct1y Iuhmittedgo by us, Ior:1".t 1132111 an hundred and twenty 1"11r years 12111 P2111, and coniequ ently whatex er argument 1?.ay be againfi tl‘. cclaim, this of its being 11c.v,111u£1' fall to the Cround. Fi/l. VVCll I do protelt, Sir I d 111VC11 as good a 111 11g of brandy 111p as I could make, that you had be 11 at our heuIc 11th night, to '1r1111e w11h th.1tBol‘ton 11111111101, undt'othe'man, for I don 't bel1(\'e they know one '.V'Oid of all this ; Lecaute they declared, as how the PD1liament nev Cr thought OI ma'11;- 111g laws for us beone tliatCe111rg;C ("'Cnville put it into their ..Cads,- and how1‘; 11.115 right 1131311111; our Chartei, and inch like---Wl 1V iIthey'd kn01V11111eIC.1t.s orparliament, you hate been tell 1mg oI,t11ey c111: :dn't hate t:1.l.;ed Io. 71/712 Split me, neighbour 1711.21.01,11Ibelieveyou'll ever be han sz'd for witcncratz, or 11.11.11..'.1yhand1n the plot; why, 11.3111, they know'em all, as well as I know that my p011:11.a} preachments, to my fhallow- pated C11110111er5,are all 1.11.?d 1.1 ith eatCh--pennv lies, but I In;10Ie it is apart ortheir made :15 well as of rn1ne---he.::.'Cn Iorgh'e us ail. (V1113. l mutt conw I1 Rev Sir, I never underflood Io mneh of this matter betore, and truly iIti1.ccr are Iuch aéts of pailiamcnt as you have been mentioning, it alters the C2111: 111(11101' de'11ts---t11..1t;tut3 of111111.e.1t1'11det1totl1c ("0101111135.-~ very muchl ---hu<1'l11.---h---l1ugh, 111 my opmion. the paper culrent 1C11rained---1.11.'lented Iexv:nts impcwmed to i11litt-_-troopsrai1ed here 111a.. : {1101.111'61 to the :11 ticlcs oI war Demon, 1t' 3 a long time '11 11ce1'read them, bu: I remember -»-3C‘.s 01.11.2111ny made Void-"and1n divers other 1111...n;'.13 has this111pren1C 11ghlt oI p.11112111311. been exerciICda.1111 (11:quze‘CCd'. 1,1 continua lly,v.1tl1out interruntion ,11'0111 the u.ur- {.'1t1011 of U 1111 r Cronrvell to the rcignot Gco1'"C the [111.10. (171:35. (10141}1Cr 1115 hIdelL‘]. 311/2 11. "1111.:11.»-~~‘111d th Incl 1 is the inf-amnion, 1512:: p301lr ll'ez'1 to 1.11:111'1111gint00pc1'1 1e.‘1e1110n, upon a Inp- pcfi110n,tl1at.l111.rlianicntoIEngland are 13:11:191 up :1 new and 1111111aid 0. 1":11111,1'11 order to C1flave a uhble1‘1611‘7.. , for whom they h; 11:1: C11er1111C111Crt..aparent"Quins. , 112.1 v.11r1Ie 1111C Ht"; 211111.-011111C.s.e 1111.1'11nt1matew (onucé led . 211.. int: 11.110101. wt}.- 111.11.! own. 131121.71. Iftherea1e! Oh, 11.11 may take my word for that, them peifettly, now Mr. Slum; puts me in mind oIem.--Gentlemen. your healths. '21/222. - 1 hoite, plcuIe your worthip, the parliament won't 121V :1 taxupon cyder. Lump. Ha' ha' ha! "011' re a merry wa (1111's, but you {han' t Ipoil my draugh1.1 you trim Conic, here's t'ye, '1111 r(‘\1(w--I can take a joke. .‘1(.272. Aye, and 11'al1'1-w it too, by jingo. P115". As for that matter, l-i‘. ev. Sir, it to be, the 3&3 of 11311111111311: be as you 11:11 of, and our (111.123: is inch.. hindr a. |