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Show 8 .11 CURE for the ‘SPLEEN. A C U R... l' for the S P LE E N. 9 .1nflttcrs-\h-l1ug‘:-- mas h'lr.-~h--hun'h--P.I«~/f' ha'15 very 116.l c011llitutior1 isn‘t taken :1 1211'._1'--a-1':d that we' ve no griC vancc (.L.:'.',y"-C‘Cl, all .;-1.11' '.'h111"Ir11v.115 .11d privileges are torn fr0m 111111 the like of:hat-l lay, in my humble opinion, he is a1 enemy to his country-jti‘} '13 ifC1cry 111m did not know what 11 . 2.11.31 1110.916 1112.6.0'111117 5, :11cl the Lord [end 115 dCliV'Ciance ---h--~l1ugh--- ---h~l1ngh---h-~.‘1.u:I'h. conflitntion15- and whether we had any grievances, and l}; forth; why, Mr. "Trim may tall: his lzitin l‘tufFif he plank}, with his Can zkflno0110130,;1r1d {11:11 llikC-l know {0111c latiu ".13 well a; he; and l ‘1'. hes an 132110221211, if {0 E16116 Hill's hi5 1':1tC---I hopr:1n mercy we thrill have no blocdfInod, but I {11 auger, (l All; pardon for l1-.Ic:1.r1ng) l1 utl {1101,112101'1' [11 give up 0Ul‘jL1l'i]l<1‘ll»f1flCl privileges,ll .al :11111, and load and lii'C:ml pull t1'igI1'61 lil'.e the 112ti0n,and light 1111 to flu' 1: 1115's in blood-"hut l .1<.n 'tput myfclf in a pallion-l all: pndnnI1.::t.cmcn---B1I y11..1 1321's Sir, l'll maltC-bold to take ndrinlctl'1I1111'cy1lcr. Gcnllsizzcn all 3:;1.11'hc;1.',tl1s. (Inn. l lzclit'u'... . .l‘yy iti.witl:101.11.11Cttymuch 3;; it is with 'our huntr .1111 1 11111111 mud. bell in your 01111 1l1C}:'-, hutt.".a your 1111111 :1. 11 (‘l 1.. 111i21i': h11'1pc1l1»'.'.1 iJL‘ lhut up 19131117). Don' t you C2.1r1y11111.1 rs rather too far deacon P ‘11.:su ccrtainiy 'icw our public affi'tirs thr'ouI'rh a gloomy dccC'itiul medium,- you lay :1llcurcharterrigl1.s and privileges are torn {1'0111'15-211111 that we are {lave-s P1;1yco:1.‘i.ler, don't you litqu Ctly 1.111'lery'o11 01111 VinC,:1n11lu11dcry0u1 "'11 fig- t1ce P Don t you C:joy lullli berry of con.rcience in religious' matters? Don' t you 11.211) withoutN911 111311011 the '11: 01' your own 1:1.bours P D0 ‘5 any one m.d1..le with your per -11 or propetty ? Are you 01'31'1b11'th6'ned with taxesP C.. 1. . your lit u;1ti011 wit.1th;1t 0f anv other pcopl.6 11110.: '.'-3.11011: ‘l‘urn y'our 6"."5 to your b1-.1tl01'L11cl1.1111311 in Great-B ritai1r-lee with 11l12.t taxes .ncl tl 11.11'3 th. yztrc bur- thCn'd-and you 1"il final 11011. c:1.j0y1li berty, freedom and cafe in 21 I‘Cgr'.C 10 fir {11:11:"riot tothcm,tli'ttifyoulizt1'etl1r: t ti<1c1centw1iii111:, l..n.1' \'I1 ‘00:hi‘11)-1l1‘. ..I..'C (:rcdit,l1y cl 11;.11', .1011 .15; fL1‘r I‘111115 l'11111if111111';1:1cc;and i."y011 full."11/1111.1 ex....1 1 1‘.111C‘v l3C1 111'tc‘i wuv 0111' 01‘ the l..l1'y1'inth C21110‘11:‘.C'.1.'.‘1.l'C'1.l--I'.Iz'L'.r/111//1/..,.~.I..z .. hone (151%: 11-11:; 11iy 1231.:'t you 1‘. i1.'.l:. I don [1111.1 11:21.0 T‘Z‘GL‘ZC. "tit": id {111/ , l lly 1110125111 l51 30061, ‘l ‘Hhe h-lr. TIN/.1. llup- lcal." {par.k or grat iletut in yo u'. bol0111,11 11 111i‘1 hero far from 1111.1rmuring and C0111n'. airr-11g, like the grumbling, rebellious Jews of olil, tillt you \1Iillbcxch111r1, w1th thC molt grzitefhl Cfllzrion Oflbill, " Tl': lincs are fallen to us in pleufimt places, 1'01, we havc :1 1100-:lly heritage." 771272.01' 11' 1th the poet, t‘" ‘11‘141‘1117 Ciiicuulf'c, ‘.‘.Cll-m {.1111 ll‘." l‘l'.‘1‘.1("1‘;l‘ I11lca1t'1h ‘ll\' 13‘.Mi ; 311113 Ojbz'.zmatw, m1 1:..21, flux/i [ izu'rint, 1.7.2161 151/1615.' 1"11111' 1111.111 :laeiC1112111115, intmt '1 hatis to (11', Mr. P/zfl', How happy 21': Americans, if l 11':lttl wi.i. tl11111'11hv 111311.11 riotcs mould tle $13112.) to th.V did but l-:11m.1'! Sim/'15. {he -1 '.‘1 is, and it is :1 melancholy truth, we 1 l 1‘11 1"1313‘ ' .11'. cm- ;1 (.111 our ('Ili fiC‘;1‘..i( 11' ‘Ii'b'. 1' -‘ " '. 111111.17, lpr1;t .l 111.06 l'xllr. 1'uj/1..1. l lzztdno ‘1' tot"..c11d you 31121111 thinfrl h.11~:li:..l-; I haw Olit'l)'..CLl, l aflt par51011, and 1h.t s the 1:11l7.."ii1711 of :1 31'1'1tlc'm21n ; and now .l hone we 1'l111ll 11crilv th '11l;l proverb, A:;m::.'£.~1. i"‘I111.;1/1'I111.'II; t'yi'. .I'm 11.11.0111 ['11/*.\1Cll, , not :1 111:1'1. to hold'0:1:(1'1'1', tho' l 1‘ '1I it--l1utl10v.'lon1e11:"1,[my 12in 1:11l'1.'r th1111;; 1:11iv I1i1C'1.1p my rinhts z..1Cl pr...1g1's. l - L113: 113‘.1‘. 101.1: l1.....r00p 17',"L .1»'.I lit. . " . -- . well put 11,. irx'im-l'zac 5 your thz' 1', " and has ing with mill; and‘.1011I31.,I a."11d h.15d1'1.1cnoutthc Cunaanitss fro::1 l: 2.11:; 113, "milfit 1151110 thornin our .‘idC---and 11 '.v we r1111: dClIC'ript.ion g1' '11 01 the jaws by Mr. D''yden, tits us, {0 very nearly, thatof ca. 1111:thelp 1e11cati11u it. " '1l‘liC laws, :1 hum-l1tr011g, moody,m murm 111101 r..-e, As 61':1' try'd th' extenttahd firctch of "12116 1 G01 5 pamper-'11 pcoule, whom, debauch'd with cafe, ' No kinghcouldgnm' cr1,1 and, no God could plealc; (lGods 2011‘ l 11.‘ , Mr. .". .' (£1.11... ‘. [12.1 11.1.13 1.1.1111 g1':'.ti::.'..5'11 Choren 1111111111111" 1ltl, we burn at the hand th:1t rm hit.1'.'1t0 fu":.1':11061115. 0111 king; has pl 21.1ed 115 in alju1nd llow- v1u1'1tinIfly anti ungr:1ter111l1 {9111, who lhall be Lord over us' ‘ 1.] \1.'c1l,1'1n102'1.r.1f10u1. rcnch1:1‘1- 0'. ti.. 1r- ll}? :1 l1.1'-.Cl31.':t1 lifl111'1t0h-3'11'1'11i11privile 21:, .1'1lnowIlil'e t.... -(. laughmg mitts" 11v h2.Llt1y 'd ofevcry lhape and film, hut gtoh-dfiniths could pxoducg or plate ii: "iii: : B 'l‘hcfé |