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Show 12 D Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, April 2, 1971 Missile Shots . Army Takes : Safety Step - GREEN RIVER, Emery County - The firing of U.S. - Army Pershing guided,mis-' siles will necessitate roadblocks on dirt roads southeast of here on four firing days ; during April, May and June, according to a spokesman of - the White Sands N.M. Missile ; Range. : Sites of the roadblocks will ' be: the Crystal Geyser Road, ; Floy Wash Road, Dubinky Well Road, and on Deadhorse , Road, near "the Knoll." - Thirteen missiles will be - fired by units from Europe and Fort Sill, Oklahoma. jfMoab, Utafo The Times-Independent ^T A3 Thursday, May 20, 1971 Four Pershings Slated For Firing Next Week Four Army Pershing Missiles are slated to be fired next week from White •Sands Missile Range's launch complex near Green River. The artillery ballistic missiles to be launched by troops of .the U. S. 7th Army will be programmed to limpact on White Sands Missile Range. The scheduled missiles will bring to 12, the total Pershings lired thus far in the spring series at Green River. The final round of the series will be fired in early June by the 2nd Bat- talion, 44th Artillery, from Ft. Sill, Okla. On April 29, th« U. S. 7th Army troops, here from stations in.-Europe.. opened the spring series with four successful launches followed on May 12 by another four. According- to White Sands officials, the safety are between Green Eiver and Dead Horse Point west of ^Moab will be evacuated for the firings. Roadblock information will be anouu-ced one day prior to the launch. si -.sl is II -S £ sr'3 ^ a .IH NH *S .§ ja •« -"^ 2 NM C*O ""^P <D a 3 W^^ &is-2 Si = ;4 5< so t if* |! |