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Show or run rmrrs. xix D, The part of the urethra behind the stricture, much enlarged, and lined with a shreddy coat of coagulable lymph, thrown out by inflammation. Plate VI. F1 6. 2. This plate represents the effect of continued boring with the bougie, in a wrong direction, after the use of the caustic. A false passage is made, of an inch and a half in length. It comprehends the bulb, and low. or part of the urethra, cut ofl'from the body ofthe penis, and a liougie put into the false passage. I A, The bong-i2. B, The boogie in the urethra, above the stricture. C, The urethra, above the stricture. D, The irregularities ofthe stricture shewn, by slitting up the canal. E, The urethra below the stricture, considerably larger than where it is .above the contraction. F, Marks the length to which the bougie had descended in a new direction, forced into the spongy body of the urethra. PLATE IV. This plate represents the appearance ofthe sore, after a great part of the urethra and diseased skin of the perineum was cut out. mull iH , A, The scrotum held aside. I: , .V..3,,>,,Lyv.g.:...-.gm.W<».-~‘ A .- 2 Wp "MA B B, The wound granulating. , C, A bougie passed down from the point of the penis. D, Another bougie introduced into the bladder from the wound. The wound is in that stage in which it shews a disposition to granulate and. fill up, and when these bougies should be withdrawn, and a catheter introduced in all the length of the urethra, and into the bladder-when the granulations, B B, growing up about it, encloses it. N. B. Skin which is diseased from fistula, and impediments to the urine, trill yet regenerate, when the cause ofthe disease has been removed. PLATE V. This sketch represents a contracted rectum, and a fistulous Opening: formed in consequence above the stricture. A B, The probe passed through the strictured part of the rectum. C, The part of the rectum above the stricture, slit open. I), An angular, ulcerated opening, from the rectum into the surrounding cellular membrane, which was followed by afatal fistula. PLATE VI. I give a sketch of this torn intestine, that the young surgeon may the bet Aer reenllcet that it is dangerous to use much force in endeavouring to re |