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Show BRUECKMANN, FRANZ ERNST, 1697-1753 Magnalia Dei in locis svbterraneis, oder Unterirdische schatz-camme aller konigreiche und linder, in ausfiihrlicher beschreibung aller, meh als MDC. bergwvercke durch alle vier welttheile... nebst anmerckun aller derjenigen linder und oerter, wo edelgesteine zu finden, in geographischer ordnung und einigen kupffer figuren zu besichtigen dargestelle von Francisco Ernesto Brvckmann Braunschueig, 1727-30. 2 volumes. 22x35 cm Four copies of this work on geology were supposed to have been printe upon paper made from asbestos, the first paper ever fabricated from thi ‘material SEBA, ALBERT, 1665.1736 Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio, per universam physices historiam. Opus cui, in hoc rerum genere, nullum par exstitit. Ex toto terrarum orb collegit, digessit, descripsit, et depingendum curavit Albertus Seba Amstelaedami, 1734-65. 4 volumes. 35x 53 cm Seba, a Flemis writer on natural history, called attention to the fac that his country "does not seem to lack trees suited for making paper, i people would give themselves the necessary expense and trouble. ‘Alg ‘marina' for example, which is composed of long, strong, viscous filaments might it not be proper for this purpose, as well as the mats of Muscovy if they were prepared as the Japanese make their timber? VAN NATRUS, LEENDERT Groot Volkomen Moolenboek; of, Naauwkeurig Ontwerp Van Allerhande tot nog toe bekende Soorten van Moolens, Met haare Gronde en Opstallen, en al het geene verder daar toe behoort. Ten dienste de Qeffenaaren van deze Kunst, en van alle Liefhebbers der Bouw- e Tekenkunst, geteekent door Leendert Van Natrus, Moolemalers Baa van de Ed: Qost.Indische Compagnie, te Amsterdam, Jacob Polly, Moole‘maker te Saardam; en Cornelis Van Vuuren; En zeer naauwkeurig i het Kooper gebragt door Jan Punt Amsterdam, 1734-35. 2 volumes in one. 33% 5.4 cm Groot Volkomen Moolenboek is a rare treatise on machinery and th equipment of windmills. Plates number 16, 17, 18, and 19 relate o pape ‘manufacturing and descriptive text is given on pages six and seven. Plat 16 outlines the general floor plan ofa paper mill with the arrangement o 2 ‘Digital image © 2005 Marriott Library University of Utah, Al |