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Show itu ~ihtt r ~ttf ~hur. 'S.!.TURDA Y .............. OCTOBER !28, 1882 MORE BRISK. absuru theories and abusive vitupcra- said, on the sitr..mtion of Utah matters. tion, especially :r.s regards sacred Detailed to his hearers how the Lib-things. Personalities, t~, have no eral Party had struggled for their good effect~ and should be avoided by rights here for fourteen years. Said both parties, and a spirit of fairness that fourteen years and a month ago maintained, as good results only ac- the party was organized and the opI ®ur ®.um. fiV[ DOLLARS T~e Silver Reef REWARD crue through such'measures. position they bad met from that day It is seldom that a man can be con- to the present; but, nevertheless the vinced of his error, if error he is la- "rag-tag-and-bob-tailed" party' as · Since the cool weather has set in a uot:tble change bas taken place in vaTioua departments of business and tr:\de in the Reef. A month or two boring under, through pugilistic demonstration. 'l'he consequences of b.'lck our streets were as quiet as the su<:h action usually terminates in bad they are generally termed, had steadily increased in numbers and power till the dominant party begin to real- ,\·eather was hot and oppressive. Every firm in town have on band a large assortment of goods and wares in their respective lines, for the winter trade, and, judging from the rustle and stir of the merchants and the increased number of customers in tbese establishments·and the streets, feelings and a loss of confidence. ize the danger that teset them, in a During the campaign, now fully in- political sense, in this bright, beautiaugerated, the leaders of both parties ful silver bound Territory. Said the should carefully consider before their People's Party, to-day, were iudebted spread flights what the result will be. for their present condition and cir- THE LIBERAL RALLY. cumstances, to the Gentile element, who had made it possible for them to -- subsist and support their families in times are brighteni~g up considerab}y. 'I be first meeting of the Liberal this land. We are }'loosed to note the change campaign in Washington County The Jndge freqnenly soared aloft as and see no reason why it should not opened up in the Citizens Hall last upon eagle wings of eloquence, with continue. We have frequently re- evening in this city, the signal for now and then a dart upon an imaginmarked that our little town would gathering being music by the Brass ary foe that seemed to assail him like not long remain in its former state of Band. the toothache at a funeral. quiet, but, that there were brighter After some .preliminary remarks Mr. \V. Lany, by request, made a prospects in the near future for all. Col. \Y. I. Allen was chosen Chairman few remarks and received more apE very mill in the district, except the and Mr. 'I'. K. Stevens Secretary. plause than all the rest of the speak- Leeds, are, at this writing, running at full capacity. Col. Allen arose to explain the na- ers, which he seemed to understand ture of the meeting in a brief but neat as an evidence of ridicule more than '.fhe mineral out put is certainly speech, and introduced commendation. 1lattering, while prospective work in Jndge J.JN. Louder, 'l'heBand occasionally played stir-the va:'ous mines is pushed ahead who commenced by reviewing the ing strains of music for the euiticawith renewed vigor, which means Liberal Party .in Utah for the last tion of all present, which was highly that the owners :md managers of fourteen years. Said that he respec- appreciated by the entire throng. these properties are encouraged in the ted the belief and opinion of every 'I'he meeting then adjourned. general outlook and permanancy of honest person of the People's Party the vast mineral belts and deposi'ts in and thought that the most good could Notice for Publication-No. 1112. this, our sandstone region. be done by showing the young the -- LAND 0Fl'ICE AT SaLT LAKE CITY. } Yost mining towns attain their error of their ways. l:"TaH, October 5th, t 88·t Will he given by Dr. Cooper to any person finding and returning a black :Xewfoundland pup, which has either strayed or was stolen from his residence in this city; if stolen, the Dr. will give $25 forconviction ofthief. Dn. E. C. W:ss'T NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT· llENM' a guaranteed 8pecific for Hyateria Dlz· zines Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, NervousPro8trat\on caused bv the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental Depression, Soften in~ of the ~ram result· ing in Insanity and leadmg to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss o: Power in either sex, Involuntary ~~::t~~~ngf~~:rb~;?~:h~:lf.<;:buusseed ~~ ~~:~= indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box. or six boxes for five doll or; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. yrre guarantee six boxes to cure any case. ~1th each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees iss ned only by Woodward. Clarke & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Portland, Ore. Gilles~ie, Lund & Co., Wholesale and Retail 0-R..C>CE R.S .... A~D .... Weekly ' l *++ ............... H++++-++++-++t+t-4-+-t-+-+~++++ ++-++ ++,_. ... + I······JilrN·~~nr··:; + .......................................... . t ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-t+++++-++ ++++~ t .... CO::-<TAI~S THE .... Latest Dispatches .... IS .... The LiTe Rel)l'esentatiYe Of a Li\·e Community. The True Exponent .... OF .... growth in a few years and then usu- Referred to the rule of the Liberal N°'f~~~od~,.1~~n~!~J s~~~~a;'~~a ally decline to a strur.dy or unsteady Party in Tooele County, and said as ~g~i~;r~fo~i~i~n;1~~~~~;d ili~~~:1da~fo~~o~m be made before the County Court of \Vash· inuton county, at St. GPorge, U. T., on Monda~. November 13, 1882, viz: Walter E. Dodge, Homestead Entry 5764. for the W Y. yield _of precious metals, , as the case be was one of the officers of that connmay be, according to the richness or ty at the time, he knew that they D R y c 0 0 D s The lllining Industries ~-----..,.._--.t~""'- _ 1-c ~" -• ea,~b<tt- w av~ ·wer-e ma.J;gn~ !!r:d mi:>.l·epresented i~ ~';~f ~ei~tt:c~.£12:3~~~ t'~\46-~.c. 24, and ' MERCHANTS. Sole Agents for Southern Utah of much faith in the continuance of the regard to the misappropriation of pubproperties here, and in short we think lie funds. the camp bas never see-n the boom in Zera Snow Esq. the past that it will f!ee in the fpture, was the next speaker. Said he had He names the following ~itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva· tion of, said land, viz: Richard Bentley, A. R. Whitehead, Edwin Taylor Riding, William Empey, all of St. George, Washington County, Utah. H. :llc}LdSTER, Register. Ou Pont's Blasting Powder Great Sandstone Deposits AND CIANT POWDER. Bird & Lowe, Attorneys for Claimant. :md the reasons for this opinion are been raised in Utah and knew the ins based on the facts that scarcely a piece and outs of affairs in this Territory ofsaodstonecan be p!cked up along from a mear boy. Respected the reany of the leuges that don't contain ligious belief of the dominant party, silver. 'l'he reef can be distinctly and while he believed the masses sintraced for over twenty miles and cere in their convictions, be was sorry along the entire distance traces of sil- to hear the leaders of that party openver h~s been found, but of course, of ly council their adherents to continue low grade on the surface. \Ve are of the practice of Polygamy in the face tl1e opinion that inexbaustable beds of existing statutes prohibiting the of rich ore lie concealed beneath the same. $500 Reward! We Carry the Largest Stock THE ONLY NEWSPAPER surface that time a·nd capital will de- Judge Gibson Clark velope. next occupied the floor,-dwelt prin- WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipation or Costivenes we cannOL cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vel!'etadle. and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coat· ed. La~ge boxes,containin~~;30 Pills, 25 cents. For sale by all Dru~gists. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The 11;enuine ~o~.ut,T~~r~ilfn:rlak~~s.~~g~ ~83 ~~fa~ isou St.,Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. .... OF .... GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING Furnishing Goods, aTS, BOOTS & SHOES Aud recommend our large assortment of .Y1ission and Flannel Undershirts In all Colors and Qualities, and the Finest Linen and Woolen Qvershirts 1 A Fine Assortment of Published in Southern Utah A Bold, Fearless Exponent OF THE PEOPLE. We candidly think, too, that parties ripally upon the present condition of having capital, can find safe invest- Utah politics of church and state. ment in this section in sinking shafts Said that the People's Party denied :u;d tunnels for the much coveted the charge that the church ruled the precious metals, and accordingly in- state here, bnt, said he, "I will at' tite those seeking paying investments tempt to show my bearers tbh.t the opto make the Reef a visit and try their posite is the case." BEST~n sines s now before the public, You can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not needed. We will start you. $12 a day and upwards made at home by the in· dustrouti. Men, women, boys and girls want· ed everywhere to work for us. Now Is the time. You can work in spare time only or give your whole time to the business. Yon can live at home and do the work. No oth er busines3 will pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to make enormous pay by en· gaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms free Money made fast, easily, and lwnorably. Addre;,~s Trne & Co. Augusta, Maine. Ladies' and Misses' Shoes The Largest Circulation Juck among us. He then proceeded to cl'iticise the THE CAMPAIGN. It is necessary and proper that there be two sides to every proposition, and that each side of the argument be fully and clearly defined action of public men in church capacity, laying particlar stress upon the idea that what John 'l'aylor personal- · ly desired in politic~l matters was the law to all classes of the "l'lformon" commuuity. Made some severe criticising remnrks in relation to a from a negative and positive stand- sermon of J. 'I'. D. UcAllister, in ASK FOR Union India Rnbber Co's Pure Para Gum C~KP~F RUBBER BOOTS Of every description. a- Genuine California~ HARNESS AND SADDLES And Saddlery of all Kinds. Assayers' Goods Tobaccos, Cigars AND PIPES. point. By this means the salient the town of Kanara, some months BEWARE OF IMITATIONS! points can bE: represented and held up ago. Be sure the Boots are stamped CRACK Mill SupplieS, PipeS & fittings PHOO}I' on the heel8, and have the PURE to ~ood advantnge for all concerned Judge E. D. Hoge gr~:e~f~~~j'f~r~~k~~~ ~~o~rae~~i~;tepw':h~~~ to form their own co-nclusions as to was next introduced to the assembly. now making them with RUBBER .AND .AS- H A R D W A R £ nntage ground gained by the argu- Eu!ogised the remarks of the former ~~~~~~ 1~~;8a~"~~~;R~~~~erm~;;ts t!~'de.last mentive ventildio.n of any subject, ilpP.akers aud endorsed what had beeu ALL :lP:ns~~~~k~L~fLET~~sPACK. TINWARE, IRON AND STEEL, l ING, HO~E. MPRI~G~. 9LOTH1NG p •llt in DO tase ~;huuld the zeal of any said. Bt.l0'£8 ANll !'HOES. Etc. • owder and Fuse, Miners' Tools Jf>lrtidp,·mt get the better of good com- Had been n citizen of Utah for sev- GOO..I>YEt~ l?~!'!~~ER CO. . ... ALSO u .. Best Advertising Medium Send for a Specimen Copy Replete with Local Happenings an<i Matters of General Interest Advertising Rates on Applicati~m Terms of Subscription.: One Yf!ar .... ~~ .............. · .......... ~.$4 6t ~oua:~ rmC. ~ their remarks Six Months.~ ............................ i 5!:;:. on eu~een ~tra ao.d w112. wcU poated! he- ~ ~. ~ ~ijN.Y~ ~=~ ~lards, Cw and Lulu:iQatina Qila Three Mon~ ........................... 1.. " ~-'- u.~ ...... ............ ,.. ...... .,. ,..,."". . .. |