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Show prosperity in their new home, departed for their several abodes. Silver Reef Ret.ail Prices Current. SATURDAY .... ....... -.-.OCTOBER 28,1882. POSTOFFICE HOURS. )(AlT • .lRRlYBS. MArL DEPARTS, 1'\0uJ. :::forth at 7 A. M.l For North nt 2 P. :M. From South at. 12 A. x. For South at 2 P.M. F'm Toquerv'e 1 P. l{. ForToquerv'e 9 A.lll. Office open from 8 A.M. nntil 2 p.M. And from 5 p. x. to 7 P. M. On Sundays, from 8 A.M. to 10 A.M. only. Re!!i~tE'riug done during office hourt>: but to in~ure them for thE' day's mail, they must uot come later tl\an 12:30 P.M. HERMAN KRAUSE, Postmaeter. B R I EFLETS. Subscribe for the MixER. Weekly shipments of bullion through Wells Fargo & Co foot up to $18,071.63. Sager buys and sells country produce. Go to McQuarrie &;; )Iorris for wall paper, baby carriages &c. Capt. Lubbock i~ expected in town some time to-morrow. You will find a large aBsortmeut of Boots :mu Shoes at Sager's. Tellyonr friends to go to McQuarrie & :Marris for window shades. We hope that l\1r. and J'lirs. Anderson may realize the hearty wish of tbt:ir friends. l\Iaggie and Will sat under a tree By the side of a babbling brook; Now they were as happy as lovers could be, Io such a secluded nook- Eating pine nuts, eating pine nuts. 1'Dear l\Ing," says 'Vill, "'tis my intent 'l'o runke you my darling bride; That is, if your parents will give consent, If not, I will suicide, Eating pine nuts, eating pine nnts." MINING NOTES. 'l'he Stormont Company have, Eight or ten teams are constantly engaged iu transporting ore of a good :For fall and winter supplies of gen- grade, from the mines to the mill, entlmerchandise call on }lr. Sager. some six: miles distant, on the Virgen Parties owing on subscription will ri>er. greatly aid us just now by giving us a call. BARBEE & 'WALKER. A Good ad>ertising medium-the Owing to the absence of ::Ur. R. T. ::'ti:c-.""ER. Largest circulation of any Gillespie in the east for some time, newspaper in Southern l tall. pay-clay has been delayed for two or People must not foTget that three months till his return. )IcQua.rrie & Morris have just re- The property of this company is ceiv!;!d a new stock of furniture and wall paper R.'l'. Gillespie Esq. and R. C'. Lund Esq. arriyed from Salt J,ake Yesterday. ::Ur. Gillespie returns from a three 1Lonths visit east. Go to McQuarrie & ::Uorris for windr-------::. 0..:.":...' :C:_:O:,:r..:.n:.:i::::c:e::~~,- pictn re frames picture nails and co , an or anything in the furniture line. Gilespie, Lund & Co. have made some improvements i:1 their Store, their vast supply of new goods necessitate the change. If you want the BEST Sewing :\lachine in the worlcl, buy the DAVIS. It is strictly firEt clas and makes but little noise. J. W. Carpenter Sole agent for Southern utah , St. Geor~~;e, utah. Judge E. D. Hoge and Zere Snow EEq. reached tbe Reef yesterday from :Beaver. They came on business connected with the Liberal Campaign. Sager has a fine line of Flannels, Alpaccas, Brocades, Reps, Cashmeres Ginghams, Ladies anu }Iisses Shoes1 IIosiery, Cloaks, Knit Jackets, &c. A horse race comes oft· on Saturday the 4th of November between Gordon's black and Shoemaker's sorrel, for $100.00 a side, bomestreacb. 'l'he mouey was put up yesterday in the bands of Mr. J. R. Hoag. A. J. Macdonald bas receiYed his new stock of goods, Drugs, Groceries, ~usica.l Instruments of all kim1s, also fresh Lemons and Suts. Give bim a call. Prices way down . The Liberal big guns started for St. George to bold a political meeting there to-night. '.fhe Brass Band accompanied them. They were to have held a meeting at ·washington tllis afternoon and return here the 30th . steadily improving in value as new developments :1re being made below on the different levels. The Company is making regular shipments of bullion through " Tells, :Fargo & Co. Mr. Shaw, just in from Copper ::Uountain district, caTied at our office this morning and reported the Copper , ::Uountain mine in a pro;;;perous condition. Large amount of fine quality of ore is being extracted daily and they will svon commence running out bullion. As depth is attained in the lead the ore is running into silver grade. The owners of the mine have made a visit to the property and are well pleased with future prospects and will push the work with a vim. WONDERFUL I WITHOUT NUMBER l! .A.re the cures recorded by the use of Brown's Arnica Salve. :Kot a family in America but should keep a remedy for burns, cuts, bruises, old sores and inflamed sore eyes always in the bouse. The Brown }[edicine Co. warrant every box of Brown's Arnica sal Ye. )Iacdonald keeps it. NOTBCEI TO THE LADIES OF SILVER REEF AND NEIGHBORING TOWNS. We are now receiving our fall stock of Dry Goods, Millinery and Clothing which will be complete by the 20th inst. Our assortment of all lines is first class and incluues a fine stock of Ladies aud Misses Cloaks. :md Doll- On the evening of the 25th inst a mans, now on tbe road; also Ladies Social Party was given to Mr. and and :Misses Plush and .Beaver Hats, Mrs. Anderson, at their residence, French flowers and Ostrica . I:eatP,e.rs, Silver Reef, by their friends and ac- Satins in all tne new sbaues. nnd1 fine quaintances, who assembled to bid uouble width Di:e.ss goous of the.Jnt~,st good bye to the family, who are about patterns at flo~ $1.25. to $2-~QO a y.ard. to leave the Reef and go to their fu- On X oti~ns, }tillinery au!l F'apcy .ture home in Oregon. Silver Reef Goods, our prices will be found i~w.er Brass Band furnished the musro and than,Salt Lake City pric.es. , dancioOt· was i.n order till the "tVee W,e soHci~ the .. patronage.pf_the; pub-sma" bours, when the gues.ts,. wiSh- ll{: i~ ou~. vicinity. Res.,ectful~, :w~M.~;.,~p.,{\ ¥I;s., 4,_ud~I;.S~.I.l. (u~uFe l ~te,vens '-\';; .llarnsotl. The true antidote to the effects of miasm!\ is Hostetter's Stomach Bitter~ . This medi· cine is one or the most popular rem dies of an age of snccesful proprietary specifir.s, and is in immense demand wherever on tnit; conti· nent fever and ague exi~ts. A winegla~sfull three times a d:~y is the best possible prepar· alive for encountering a malariou~ atmoa· phere, regulatin~ the liver and invigorating the ~tomach For sale by all Dru!:;gists and Dealers g enerally. MUSIC for EVERYBODY. 1\l.i:EBt:Ft T..LS INCENIOUS MET H 0 D. (COPYRIGHT SECURED.) For starting Children and others in the cui· ture of Music. It overcomes the drudgery of learning the elements of Mu~ic by pl l'a8ant amusement. This new method teachet! you all about the Musical ::;taff, Degrees of the Staff. Cleff~. Notes and Rest~, t;c,tJe, In· t ervals of the Scale, Location of Letters on the Staff and their relation 10 the Keys of the lnfl.trument. (This is very imporr.ant with children. l Flats and sharps and their use. All the different Keys. how to form Chords or Summer Beverage TH~ar~cf?o~~~n1i~;~~ tr~~e ~~'";a!~~s with an excellent article of CINCER POP! 11Ianufactured by himself, which he will sell· in large or small qmmtities, and deliver to any part of the town. HARRY M. EDWARDS liiann factory in rear of Halpin's store. An Extradrdinary Offer. There are a number of persons out of employment in every country,- yet energetic men willing to work do not need to be. Those willing to work can make from $100 to $500 a month clear, working for us in a pleasant and permanent business. The amount our agents make varies,-some making as high as $500 a month, while some as low as $100, all depeuding on the energy cf the agent. We have an article of great merit. It should be sold to e,·ery house-owner, and pays over llO per cent profit. Each sale is from $3 50 to $10 00. One agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days, and cleared $64 . An agent in ~ew York made $45 in m;e day. Any man wi Lh energy enough to work a full day, and will do this dnriug the year, can make from ,2,000 to $6,000 a year. We only want one man in each county, and to him we give the exclusive s11.le as long as he continues to work faith· fully for us. There is no competition, and nothing like our iuyention made. Parties having from $200 to $1,000 to inve~t, can obtain a General Agenr.y for ten counties or a State. Any one can make au investment of from $25 to $1,000 without the least risk of loss, as our circulars will show that those in vesting $25 can after a 30 days' trial return the goods unsold to us and get their money back, if they do not clear at least $100. They show that a General Agent who will take ten counties and invest f216 can after a trial or 90 days retum all goods unsold to us, and have money returned to them if they fail to clear at least $750 in that time. We are not paying ~alaries, but want men willing to work and obtain as their pay the profits of their energy. Men not willing to work on our terms will not work on any. Those meaning business will receive our large descriptive circular, and extr11ordinary ofi'er by enclosing a three cent stamp, with their address. The first to comply with onr terms will secure the county or counties they may wush to work . Addr<Jss, RENNER MANCF.l.CT"CRIXG Co., 118 Smithfield Street, Pittsburg, Pa. STEVENS & ILlRRISON (Successors to Julius Sultan) Main Street, Silver Reef, Utah •••• DEALERS IX .... Dl\YGOODS~ Clothing, Groceries, :NliLLINERY, .... AXD ...• GENERAL MERCHANDISE. mnfl.ical words. It teaches the svllables Do, Re, Me etc. in singing. It contains a com· Additions constantly coming in ~o onr Dry ~~!~~u~ff~~~;~~hl~s:~ei~v~~l:ig~TJ~-:rn~ Goods and Millin e~y stock which are selected is amusin~ himself playing familiar tunes .· by thoroughly competent judges. so that we ~he:~~~~;'~~~~~ .e:~YJ!~!~u~tL~h~~ h~alu~~~ can offer the latest styles and patterns of strike tne wrong key. Full directions and goods. Our stock of gent's clothing, furnish· four pieces of music accompany the ~Ietllod. iugs, boots and shoes, etc., i!s complete, and Sent by mail for $1.00. Addre8s prices beyond competition_. CHICAGO PIANO CO., Goods delivered promptly to any part ()( 78 & 80 Van Buren St. Chicago, Ill. town. ....-Gi>e us a call and be convinced. TAILOR INC GO TO In all its Branches. Fine suits Made to order A. J, Macdorrafd .l ~An assortme1.1t of fine im-ported Eng ish Cloths always on hand. ·j Shop comer Cen4'~ and 1:irstW.est Streets ' A<. \'jn·S.Q;.UlSTr ~uecesaor to J. E, lohnsoJa.;) FO I! Drugs, Medicines, Toilet ~OTICE J, Confe0tionery, J. J. Halpin liLHX STREET, B~LOW CENTRE, SILVER REEF ................. UTAI>f· Importer -and Dealer in IRON AND STEEL, Mill and Mining Supplies. Consisting in part of all sizes ot Cas Pipe and Tubing, Iron anl:l1 Brass Fittings, Beltlne: and Packlne, Etc. Rail and Bar Iron •a Spec ialtY,· A FULL LINE OF Assayers' Goods RETORTS, CRUCIBLES, MUFFLES, MELTlNti POTS, BONE ASH, LITHARGE·. ETO., ETC., ETC, Cooking and Heating Stoves; AND RANGES great variety and of best manufactur-.· CARPENTERS' & BUILDERS. Hard~are .. The largest and mo1t complete stock of Sash and Panel Doors and Windo"s.: In Southern Utah. DIIXED A.l\"D DRY PAINTS.· Oils and Glass, WHITE LEAD, ZL.~C- A.l'ID ~lJTTYl JRrA well-appoin tedwmbhap is attached , with speCial conveniences ~or manufacturing heavy and light il;gn, capper and tinware. Purchasing ·f-ram fi.rst band!l, I am pre. pared to duplicate Salt Lake pricee. J . J. 1IALPI~. W. B. Sager, :Main .Street, SILYER R~EF ... ....... ...... .. , •• ~. UTA. li1 , •• J;l;E..,;i.i!:E IN ...... . C R O.C E R t·E S: Q,L O ·T H :I K.G, Gents? · Furnislting Goods;: STATIONER?, .::SOTlO.N&,. A.}} pe.rsons liable to Specilll SclJOo}· Notions, Tax. in Silver. Reef School District are . r!lquested to c~me forw~d and pay Gr.oe.e-ries; Cigars, Wines H'ats, .Boot.& and. Sh.Qes . the.~me to the undersigned, at his Qtl.i£e, on or befo,re the- 31st d:1y of ~tober, 1882. J ~N.. I~ouuer, and Liquor"' ~sess.or ~C'ollec.tor,~ i ~a~_ES LAA~R THAN_ EV.S:R! ·-\WIN~fJ. ~:Q_ !a-IQ.Tl.liB'f!! ' . |