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Show Strange Lands of infinite charm lie just beyond the horizon-sailings every Saturday for the Orient and Round the World The word "Orient" quickens the imagination. It is a part of the world which is filled with charm, with interest, with strange adventure. Hawaii is beautiful beyond description. Japan, China,-what rare days these countries promise! Then the Philippines, Malaya, Ceylon, India. Unforgettable experiences are offered. Shop for silks, batiks, precious stones, rare furniture and valued ivories. Egypt is another world, yet just as filled with interest. The Holy Land, and then across the Mediterranean to Italy and France. Here is a world cruise on palatial American President Liners. Magnificent oil-burners, they provide every comfort for this greatest of all trips. They circuit the globe with sailings every Saturday from San Francisco. Fortnightly sailings from Boston, New York and Los Angeles. A fortnightly service returning from the Orient to San Francisco. Your room is commodious and delightfully furnished. The cuisine is excellent. The service is personal. Plan now your voyage. For full information communicate with any ticket or tourist agent or with wmsML mm tf'fi"? 15 Moore Street, New York City 50 Yamashita Cho, Yokohama 7-A Kaigan Dori, Kobe 29 Nanking Rd., Shanghai Hongkong 8C Shanghai Bank BIdg., Hongkong 24 Calle David, Manila Hugh Mackenzie, G. P. A. 311 California Street, Department M 709 San Francisco, California immm^':^Kirr,mm^^^mmm&mi "Mention the Geographic-drcamyyiutunm Y xholidays in Hawaii When the children are in school, why not take your holiday this fall? A gorgeous vacation in the Paradise of the Pacific, in the months between now and Christmas! Strange as the outrigger canoes that race like long-legged waterflies at Waikiki, Hawaii is a territory of the United States with modern conveniences at moderate prices. Long autumn days, sunny yet cool, to enjoy golf, polo, motoring, tennis, county fairs, swimming meets, surfing, inter-island cruising, deep-sea fishing. Tropic fruits, fragrant flowers and Hawaiian music. Hawaii National Park's volcanic wonderland is especially attractive in autumn. Enjoy it longer Plan to stay longer than the one or two weeks which a round trip of 3 or 4 weeks from the Coast allows. But the latter, costing as little as $300 or $400 for all expense including first-class travel and accommodation ashore, will give you a taste of Hawaiian enchantment. Your nearest railway, steamship or travel agent will book you direct via Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver or Victoria, B. C. You'll enjoy the 5 or 6 days voyage to Honolulu on stately liners. Ample modern hotels on 4 larger islands. If you wish descriptive, illustrated brochure, write now- HAWAII TOURIST BUREAU 2 1 2 MONADNOCK BLDC, SAN FRANCISCO 3 4 I FOKT S T . , HONOLULU, HAWAII, U. S. A -It identifies you." |