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Show IsrititFORmidable, old man, not forMIDable ? - Stop Making Embarrassing MistaKes in English YOU are sized up every day by what you say and write. The words you use; how you use t h e m ; your spelling, grammar, pronunciation-these give others the measure of your education. Others quite naturally think you are lacking in culture if you say "between you and I," instead of "between you and m e ; " if you use " w h o " for "whom" and "shall" for " w i l l ; " if you say " h o s P I T a b l e " when you should say " H O S p i t a b l e ; " or if you make similar common blunders. Fairly or unfairly, you are always mercilessly judged by the character of the English you use. Sherwin Cody's New Invention For the first time in the history of education there is a way to improve your English quickly and surely. Slier win Cody, perhaps the best-known teacher of practical English, has perfected and patented a remarkable device which will quickly find and correct the mistakes you unconsciously make. Correct English soon becomes a habit. Already over 41,000 individuals, in every walk of life, have made use of this invention-business men, teachers, physicians, lawyers, ministers, editors,-in fact, men and women in every profession, in every trade, and of every age. This method is so remarkably successful, because it concentrates, not on useless rules, but on the formation of correct habits. There is no hard study. Only fifteen minutes a day is required, over a short period, and the i n s t r u c t i o n is guaranteed to improve your English to your satisfaction, or it costs you nothing. FREE-"How to Speak and Write Masterly English" If you are efficient in English it will give you greater confidence; if you are deficient you surely want to know it. For this reason Mr. Cody has prepared a simple 15-minute test which you can take in your own home. The correct answers are given so you can tell at once just where you stand. Write today for this test-it is free. We will also gladly mail you Mr. Cody's new free book, "How to Speak and Write Mast e r ly English." Merely mail the coupon or a postal card. Free yourself of the embarrassing errors in English that make you feel ill at ease. You can never achieve your greatest possibilities until you do master English. Write today. SHERWIN CODY SCHOOL OF ENGLISH 3 8 9 S e a r l e B u i l d i n g Rochester, N. Y. Sherwin Cody School of English 389 Searle Building, Rochester, N. Y. Please send me your New Free Book, "How to Speak and Write Masterly English," and also the 15-minute Test. Name Address City State Orient!! WHERE the silks come from -gorgeous, shining, soft cascades of color. Where the rugs live-my, the bargains! Where they tie embroideries in negligent bundles - sleeve bands, and bits of brocade, and tiny bags-and sell them for nothing at all, with a bit of white jade thrown in, or a flash of kingfisher feather set in silver! Where the world's all different, from the crown of its head - with pearls and pale flowers in a carved coiffure -to the soles of its feet in butterfly slippers. Where anything may happen - and generally does - except what happens at home. Why stay only at home and grow old and sane and rich and unadventur-ous? Why not swish back the pages of a thousand years-ten thousand miles-jump clear of your world and mine? . . . . You'll never be any younger! 10 days to JAPAN 14 days t o CHINA Then MANILA 4big Empress Liners Sailing fortnightly from Vancouver Canadian Pacific THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM Officesinall large cities including: N e w York - 3 4 4 M a d i s o n Avenue C h i c a g o - 71 E a s t J a c k s on S a n F r a n c i s c o - 675 Market St. Montreal- 141 St. James Street |