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Show f '112 ) (I13) teplete with Milchie'f, could not have been in« poles, which the Al‘femblies cnnnot prOVide vented: apermanent Title to aShare in national Councils, would be exchanged for a precarious Reprefentation in a provincial fimsnibly; and a. Forfeiture of their Rights would be couched under theAppearance of Privileges 5 they would be reduced from Equality to Subordination, and be at the limit: Time deprived of the Benc- fits, and liable to the inconveniences, both of Independency and of Connection. Happily for them, this is not their Condition. They are on the contrary a Part, and an important Part of the Commons of Great Brimifi : they are reprel» fented in Parliament, in the {nine h/lanner 11$ thole Inhabitants of" Britain are, who have not Voices in Elections; and they enjoy, with the Reft of their Fellow-fubjccts, the ineftiinable Privilege of not being bound by any Laws, or iiibjeCt to any Taxes, to which the Majority of the Reprefentzitives of the Commons have not conibritedi If there really were any Incoiiliitency between a national and a provincial Leniflature, the Conlequence would be the Abolition of the latter; for the Advantages that attend it are pure: ly local: the Dillrif‘t it is confined to might be governed without it, by means of the natiom nalReprelentniives; and it is unequal to great general Operations; whereas the other is :1be- lutely necuflhry for the Benefit and Prefervation of the whole: But {0 flit are they from being incompatible, that they will be feldom found to interfere with one another : The Parliament will not often have occafion to exercile its Power over the Colonies, except for thole Pur- poles A gtneral Tax is of this kind ;_ the lie- for. ceflity for it, the Extent, the Application;- it, are. Matters which Councrls limited in their. iclws and in their Opxrntions cannot properlynutgel h of; and when therefore the JIldthli‘l bounm t determine thele Particulars, it noes‘not encron on th': other, it only exertiies a tower‘ w.iich CJLIllUCd, that other tines not pretend to, never Tilie or wiiitcd, nor our ever be willed Vv‘itli: s bit titean amehot thel‘l lzitter remains in e;x:'2if::ly es, servic . q‘ y was before, providing;* lul‘ the izi-ne . i the lame 3 lit"us , " 3 .CU) lw {unit .. ‘ on the hie-en", Lino ‘ e . nun; w r to .inl ‘ ‘ but corii'i‘ioiis of its own liiniiilty inYES it "renter Fur-poles than tholehzr which gentm‘ Pm llituted, it leaves the care ol more in whole. tocerns to that higher Iiegilliiture, fin v . 'V 'i .\ - I, A I I j" l l s A i theUDiri ect7‘ion of tneni always W is, cei "done Vin fl ‘ ho‘ t Aut of tha ati. on .1 , e fix Th . . ' l d will be lfl ‘in‘ "lnten eri Sup Clldl ongas to its Uan .ii-ii r y which bel -y‘_ ;. , t _ , "Cl- ‘ .tn dyprc. . deuce neither lowers the Dibiirty, ersny. lowrea d {we and 1 ite "3LN lim wHt. ‘. niti ‘ i. lsV . oi " .i't JT ‘eiu a l" l'l "W die ‘ s' the -. "no, "1 hey retain all that they ever l 01C Uiore . "l fi "Illinilttfl ,- ' C . "L proVinciil The Concurrence therefore oi the at for (Tre"! ' nhi "7 ry in Repre‘initatives cannot be nec ‘N K t ‘ none but t ie m 1' "l"=lic Mealures to whim c-t tax t the ufi ‘ien ‘ linn *euil'. The i'nr A" c.i i ati' ves~ inc AM" Reprelent a but nit. t .t .r (Wm; Britain not Only may 1‘13 ‘n u ons itq ‘ ' Occali i n the public T i whe i 0 t." Coloniese, , i (V, " 1 144‘ 1 - . " t Queuinfisn es . len pre he '1 re: the e enu C/l Rev ‘ , 1"; Act r o1 .61 ' c one no*w; 4and ne‘ ‘e:in the Nttion reouir D .i we have had lo long, a" pr n ‘ i'i t, wow in that ' not uni ‘ h is or s," and whic think in Wi 4 lrron in oi‘ TAX :"t'101:‘.i ' h, ' blei‘fiooc ttn. tan eligi r r {Ms p try, boun ‘ 'i A A (. I ‘17" i V c?" Kr |